Speciality Chemicals Magazine MAY / JUN 2023 | Page 60

The UK ’ s major chemical exhibition continues to grow

See You in Savannah !

NEC welcomes back ChemUK

The UK ’ s major chemical exhibition continues to grow

ChemUK , the UK ’ s only large-scale chemical , laboratory and process engineering show , returns on 10-11 May in Hall 1 of the NEC near Birmingham . It is free to attend and is open to visitors from 9.30 to 17.00 on the first day and 9.30 to 16.00 on the second . Speciality Chemicals Magazine is a media partner and will be present throughout .

The show has grown continuously since its launch in 2019 and this year will have over 400 exhibitors . A full list of them and a floorplan are on the website .
This year , ChemUK is divided into three zones . The Chemical Industries Supply Chain zone unites specialist chemical supply chain organisations providing products , services and equipment in areas including : chemicals , raw materials and ingredients ; chemical logistics , transportation , storage , containment , labelling and packaging ; HSE management and regulatory compliance ; and toll and contract manufacturing
Meanwhile the Chemical , Process & Plant Engineering zone will showcase technology and specialist services such as process plant and chemical unit equipment ; digital and automation ; plant energy management ; flow technology ; and , catalysis and reaction engineering
New for 2023 ChemLab will bring together laboratory chemicals and chemical equipment suppliers supporting R & D , analysis , process design , scale-up and quality testing within the chemical and chemical product industries . This includes , among other things , formulation development , lab-scale process design and flow chemistry , and pilot and kilo plant manufacturing .

June 20-22 , 2023 Westin Savannah Harbor & Convention Center Savannah , GA

In all , there are over 150
speakers at sessions across
the two days , delivering around
40 hours of keynotes , individual
company presentations and
panel sessions , providing
market intelligence , tech insight ,
best practice , case studies and
more . Full details are on the
website . The five stages are :
• Stage 1 : Supply Chain ,
Logistics , Regulatory & HSE ,
covering such subjects
as the sector outlook ,
ChemUK is supported by all of the major UK industry associations in the chemical space , who will have their own stands and participate in the two-day programme of presentations taking place across five stages on the show-floor .
They include the Royal Society of Chemistry ( RSC ), whose president , Professor Gill Reid , will deliver a keynote presentation . The RSC will also host a members ’ reception in its networking area at 17.00 on the first day . Also
compliance , UK REACH , innovations , new opportunities and international markets
Stage 2 : Sustainability , with themes such as product stewardship and lifecycle management , Responsible
Care , COP27 and cutting carbon emissions , and biobased technologies .
• Stage 3 : Chem 4.0 , Plant & Asset
Management , focusing on areas like asset management maintenance , digitisation and automation , electrification , energy management
present throughout will be the Chemical and tank storage .
Business Association , the trade body

Register of

• Stage by 4 : Chemical & Process

the chemical supply chain in the


UK .


, including process
The British Chemical Association will intensification and optimisation , be running two panel discussions : ‘ Safe
Big Data and data , process design living : The importance of biocides ’, and and scale-up , automation , robotics

‘ Safe Water : Opportunity & challenge and process safety for $ 450 * Pre-Show Rate in water treatment ’. BioVale , the

• Stage 5 : ChemLab , the laboratory
bioeconomy cluster for Yorkshire and and innovation stage , with themes the Humber region , will be
* Full running Access to Exhibits like chemical , Conference and raw , material
their own ‘ pitch event ’, featuring
Networking research Receptions and analysis , formulation
bioeconomy start-ups looking to secure
& Meals
Development , lab-scale process investment and support . design and innovation , lab-scale flow
The ChemUK 2023 keynote
chemistry and lab automation . ●
programme includes speakers includes
Chris Finnegan , safety and sustainability
science leader for Unilever SEAC ;
Richard Haldimann , chief technology and sustainability officer at Clariant ;
UK Industry Events
and , Professor Mercedes Maroto- Vale , champion and director at the UK Industrial Decarbonisation Research &
Innovation Centre .
J j
+ 44 203 829 6060 info @ chemicalukexpo . com www . chemicalukexpo . com

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