Besides lobbying on behalf of the industry , the CBA also offers advocacy , representing businesses in Parliament and among ministries , as well as at EU level , where it has effective working relationships with policymakers , regulators and legislators . It engages at all levels of government to provide evidence , feedback and advice directly to ministers , departments , such as the Departments for Transport and International Trade , and bodies such as the Health & Safety Executive , which among other things oversees the implementation of UK REACH . Further afield , the CBA is currently in discussions with both the Indian High Commission and the German Embassy to promote trade between the UK and these two important economies . It also collaborates with other associations and is an active member of the Alliance of Chemical Associations . When appropriate , the association works closely with the Chemical Industries Association and British Coatings Federation because , while these organisations have very different remits , they share several areas of mutual interest . Finally , it is an active member of the International Chemical Trade Association and works with national chemical industry associations across Europe and the rest of the world .
A practical partner
In the UK , the CBA offers practical support to businesses , including training in the form of workshops and seminars . These cover a wide range of topical issues , including compliance , regulations and best practice . A key focus area is promoting proactive measures to ensure adherence to laws in order to help members avert the negative impact of non-compliance . In addition , it offers Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser services , as well as training and support on everything from the carriage of dangerous goods through to the Control of Major Accident Hazards . To further support its members , the association provides a help desk , which offers assistance on everything from technical advice through to questions on importing and exporting and customs formalities . This service has seen record levels of demand over the course of the last few years due to the significant changes and continuing challenges that have arisen because of Brexit , the ongoing impacts caused by COVID-19 , along with other disruptions throughout the global supply chain . In the lead up to and following Brexit , the CBA has sought to help members understand transport in the EU and customs formalities while guiding them through changing import and export rules . The association has expertise in chemical security , as well as providing workshops on transport site security and countering the threat of terrorism . Furthermore , it provides representation and consultancy services to various overseas security and government agencies .
Sustainable solutions
Environmental regulations are another challenge that the chemical supply chain industry faces and , like all other sectors , it is focused on making considerable progress towards sustainability while reducing and minimising the impact of its operations on the environment . Contrary to popular belief , the chemical industry is heavily
involved and instrumental in finding solutions to solve the problems of climate change . The CBA ’ s commitment towards sustainability dates back to at least 1993 when it became actively involved with the Responsible Care Programme . This voluntary global initiative goes beyond legislative and regulatory requirements , providing the chemical supply chain industry with an ethical framework for the safe use and handling of chemical products while seeking ongoing improvement in health , safety , security , and environmental performance across the industry . Members can benefit from and participate in the programme through the CBA .
Looking ahead
As the global chemical market continues to face disruptions , and with constant changes to and divergence in regulation and policy , the CBA will continue its work to ensure that changing needs in the chemical supply chain are addressed and that businesses stay on the right side of the law . •
Tim Doggett
CBA k + 44 1270 258200 J tim . doggett @ chemical . org . uk j www . chemical . org . uk