AGROCHEMICALS with the capabilities to bind with essential parts of plant pathogens , these protein-based biocontrols offer a new and transformative way to protect our crops , our food and our entire ecosystem . Using completely different biological activities to traditional chemical or microbial solutions , protein-based biocontrols can be used to safely and effectively control pervasive plant diseases as part of an IPM programme . Adding biocontrols to regular IPM rotations can help to curb chemical pesticide use while offering a new way to manage pathogen resistance . According to the Institute for European Environmental Policy , such biocontrols may “ present a winwin-tool for the environment and the farmer , in reducing the use of inputs and creating a more adapted method , which speaks to consumer concerns and demands ”. 4
Two steps to scale-up
One of the greatest challenges is scaling up production so as to get biocontrols into the hands of more farmers and growers in a sustainable , cost-efficient way . There are two critical components to sustainably scaling biocontrol production . The first is accelerating production . This begins with the ability to identify top performers rapidly from thousands of biological protein samples . Advances in highthroughput discovery methodologies are making this possible , while enabling a more effective and selective design process . Automation is increasingly leveraged to then fasttrack the next steps in the biocontrol