Figure 2 - AgbioChem overview in recent years and will continue to be the key drivers for growth over the medium term . Due to these drivers and other market dynamics , navigating the constantly changing crop protection industry can be difficult for fine chemical companies , CMOs and CDMOs supplying materials to the market . AgbioInvestor has developed AgbioChem to help companies identify those that not only fit their existing technology and asset portfolio but also help in developing a strategy that capitalises on opportunities provided by drivers such as those outlined above . As shown in Figure 2 , AgbioChem ’ s unique inclusion of market data ( AI global volume , AI global technical price , etc .) together with chemical and technical information ( technologies , reagents , intermediates and fine chemicals ) with an easy – to-use interface and a powerful search engine provides an extra level of intelligence . Thus it delivers a complete overview of both the required synthetic processes for each step of manufacture , as well
as the available market data ( value , volume , technical price ) and an outline of the leading companies with involvement in each AI . Each AI synthesis is first divided into chemical rings , which are further broken down into searchable reaction steps , while searchable market information for each AI allows for analysis of whether the AI or intermediate meets financial targets . This combination of insight allows the user to answer several critical questions when addressing growth opportunities , such as :
• Which AIs and chemical intermediates fit my technology set ?
Figure 3 - Thiobencarb & pyroxasulfone
• Am I maximising my asset profitability ?
• Are there higher value targets I should be focusing on ?
• Does my technology portfolio match my customer needs ? Is there a better customer mix ?
• Which adjacent technologies should I add ?
• Should I adjust my strategy ?
• Which acquisitions would generate the most profitable synergies ? To investigate how these key drivers are creating opportunities in more depth , several short case studies investigating each of the key drivers are provided below .