DCAT Week : What ’ s on ?
Each day of DCAT Week will have an event starting at 10.00 Eastern Standard Time and lasting for an hour . The first four are webinars , the last the traditional keynote address :
Sean Diver – Nothing around the quality of the experience will change
‣ In January , DCAT ran a special thought leadership forum , developed by its Supply Management Committee and entitled ‘ Supply Lines : New Ways for Risk Mitigation Post COVID-19 ’. This gave some insights into how companies can strengthen their sourcing and supply practices to mitigate risk and assure supply of ingredients and materials . The pandemic , Diver adds , has been a reminder that the pharmaceuticals community is global . While the DCAT organisation ’ s headquarters is based in North America , its membership is global and DCAT Week can only be what it was before when the whole world has got through this . He is very optimistic for next year . “ One nice thing we have going for us is that we are a membership organisation ,” Diver says . “ If you are a member company , dialogue with other companies is easy to have . The feedback from members is that we should expect both numbers and enthusiasm for the March 2022 event .” •
Erin Sanders
DCAT k + 1 609 208 1888 J esanders @ dcat . org j www . dcat . org
MONDAY 12 JULY Pharma Industry Outlook : Graham Lewis of business intelligence firm IQVIA , looks at how the ( bio ) pharmaceutical industry has performed in 2021 and what can be expected in the near-term . He will cover : innovator and generic drugs ; leading therapeutic sectors : pipelines and commercial product ; growth prospects in developed and emerging markets ; and market implications from the pandemic
TUESDAY 13 JULY Executive Insights : Manufacturing & Supply - Lessons Learned from the Pandemic . Hear from Remo Colarusso of Johnson & Johnson and Ken Kent of Gilead Sciences on how they built their internal and supplier networks , the keys for meeting volume and time targets in developing their COVID-19 therapies , and industry best practices for future supplier management
WEDNESDAY JULY 14 Executive Insights : How COVID-19 is Transforming the Future of Drug Development . Dr Philip Dormitzer of Pfizer and Rahul Singhvi of National Resilience discuss how the unprecedented pace of scientific innovation in developing COVID-19 vaccines was achieved and what it means for the future of drug development , manufacturing , and supply . They will focus on the potential of mRNA technology and other promising areas ; new approaches ; time-to-market and regulatory practices ; and manufacturing of new modalities
THURSDAY 15 JULY The Chief Procurement Officer ( CPO ) Lens - What ’ s Next in Business Continuity Planning and Risk Mitigation ? CPOs from Biogen , West Pharmaceutical Services and Merck & Co . will discuss supply management in the wake of COVID-19 , looking at : strengthening business continuity planning , including lead-time adjustments ; further mitigating supply risks and improving supply-chain transparency ; and transforming supplier relationship management , including digitalisation
FRIDAY 16 JULY Scientific Keynote Address : Dr Jennifer Doudna of the University of California , Berkeley , is the founder of the Innovative Genomics Institute and shared the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the invention of CRISPR technology , which has enabled scientists to change DNA with a precision that was previously unimagined , opening up new and wideranging possibilities across biology , agriculture and medicine
In addition , the DCAT Member Company Announcement Forum will be available to DCAT members via the member portal from 12 to 31 July . This gives companies an opportunity to make major regarding corporate strategic developments for 2021 , M & A activity and significant manufacturing expansions .