Speciality Chemicals Magazine MAR / APR 2024 | Page 7

MAR / APR 2024

More cuts to come at Ludwigshafen

In its annual results presentation , BASF announced plans to reduce costs at its main verbund site in Ludwigshafen by a further € 1 billion / year by the end of 2026 . This comes on top of a similar scale of cuts initiated in late 2022 .
Last year , results in Germany suffered due to substantially negative earnings at Ludwigshafen , the company said . This is attributed to two main causes : the temporary low-demand environment is affecting volume development both upstream and downstream , while structurally high energy prices are raising production costs upstream .
The cost reduction programme will target production and non-production areas . BASF will seek to adapt production capacities to market needs and significantly trim variable costs by redesigning processes . It will also endeavour to improve utilisation rates , which are “ considerably below normal levels ”. There will be an as yet unspecified number of job cuts .
The board expects to present a target picture in 2H 2024 , based on the regulatory framework and the changed market realities in Europe and Germany . Board chairman Martin Brudermüller said : “ The board team will remain strongly committed to the Ludwigshafen site . We want to develop Ludwigshafen into the leading low-CO 2
-emission chemical production site with high profitability and sustainability .”
BASF saw sales fall from € 87.3 billion to € 68.9 billion in the 2023 business year , mainly driven by considerably lower prices and volumes . Sales volumes fell in all segments as a result of weak demand . However , it managed to increase cash flows from operating activities by 5.2 % to € 8.1 billion .
EBIT before special items fell from € 6.9 billion in 2022 to € 3.8 billion , primarily due to a considerably lower earnings contribution from the Chemicals and Materials segments . Only the Agricultural Solutions business really bucked this trend . The company also saw a big fall in EBIT to € 2.2 billion because of various impairments on property , plant and equipment and on tangible and intangible assets .
Ludwigshafen is BASF ’ s biggest site
Teva to exit API business As part of its ‘ Pivot to Growth ’ strategy , generics giant Teva intends to divest its API business , including R & D , manufacturing and commercial activities , within 1H 2025 . The business sells APIs to third parties , and also has contract manufacturing services and an out-licensing platform offering products to other pharmaceutical companies through its Medis affiliate .
Perstorp Penta plant Perstorp has officially inaugurated its ISCC Pluscertified Penta chemicals plant in at Sayakha , India . Covering 115,000 m 2 and employing 120 , this will add 40,000 tonnes / year of pentaerythritol , including the renewable grade Voxtar , and 26,000 tonnes / year of calcium formate , while reducing lead times in Asia by about 50 %.
SI outsources to China Texas-based SI Group has concluded a long-term partnership with Liaoning Dingjide Petrochemical of Shanghai , a maker of additives and other speciality chemicals . Dingjide will manufacture certain unnamed SI antioxidant products at its site . SI will consequently close its operations at Jinshan on 31 July and is seeking a buyer immediately .