Speciality Chemicals Magazine MAR / APR 2023 | Page 51

In-Plant Wastewater Odor Control from Lift Station to Holding Tank

EnviroPrep™ Well-Washers for Lift Stations & Sludge Vaults

Anue ’ s EnviroPrep ( EP ) well-washers prevent and eliminate the buildup of fats , oil , grease ( FOG ) in lift stations and sludge vaults . The EP also eliminates the need for costly and repetitive clean-outs through suction trucks .

ChemFORSe ®

Odor Neutralizer Systems

Chemistries and distribution equipment resolved odor issues at landfills , animal processing plants , waste transfer stations , etc .

Customizable Carbon-Embedded Geomembrane Covers for Holding Tanks

The filter design is engineered to allow gases and water to flow freely through the filters while they capture the odor causing contaminants .
1-760-727-2683 Sales @ anuewater . com
AnueWater . com