Electron mobility with photoredox catalysis
Dr Somesh Sharma senior vice president and head of discovery chemistry solutions at Aragen Life Sciences , discusses how photochemistry offers an alternative to conventional processes for functional transformation in organic synthesis
Nature has always inspired scientists over the years . Now , there is a big buzz about sustainability and carbon zero technological platforms to build a safer and healthier environment for future generations . Chemists generally employ conventional processes ( thermal or catalytic activation ) for any kind of functional transformation in organic synthesis . There is an urgent need to make chemical conversions greener , safer and environment-friendly . Photochemistry and especially photocatalysis provide a suitable alternative to traditional approaches : a disruptive and transformative platform learned from nature of harnessing light to thermal energy , for instance , vitamin D and photosynthesis processes . The implementation of any new technology hinges on its versatility , modularity , scalability , safety and sustainability . Early perceptions on photochemistry , however , were to overlook and avoid it because of the intractable challenges of reproducibility , robustness and scalability - an attenuation effect of photon transport . A huge surge has been witnessed in the last few decades ( Figure 1 ), along with increased knowledge of organic and organometallic species , and their distinct properties in converting light to chemical energy for new chemical
No . of publications
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021
Figure 1 – Publication counts on photoredox catalysis Note : Scifinder search , 25 December 2021
bond integrations . Generally , a photoredox catalysis ( PC ) process is established , wherein a single electron transfer ( SET ) between the excited state of a photocatalyst and organic substrate gives rise to highly reactive species , yielding unique products .
Selection parameters
To make any photochemical process viable its fundamental concerns – the photon source , the reaction medium and the type of vessel - need to be addressed . UV-induced photochemistry is well reported in the literature via [ 2 + 2 ] cycloadditions and Norrish-type reactions arising from homolytic bond cleavage .
These forms of radiation have limitations on selectivity and tolerability owing to the high associated energy and broad wavelength range . The deployment of appropriate wavelength filters , such as perfluoroalkoxyalkanes ( PFAs ), perfluoroethylenepropylen ( FEP ), quartz , pyrex and corex , and light sources with a narrow spectral range , is therefore preferred . LED lights have circumvented some of the issues but are plagued with the inherent problem of low intensity and lifetime stability . Efforts are being made to develop high performance LEDs stemming from sapphire technology , so as to produce highly efficient lights with narrow spectral ranges .