Beginning of the end ?
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editor @ specchemonline . com JAN / FEB 2022
Welcome to the March-April 2022 edition of Speciality Chemicals Magazine . There is a bit of a different look to the content this month because we are actually previewing real-life events ! No fewer than four of them , in fact , and needless to add , all four are returning for the first time since 2019 . DCAT Week is back in New York City on 21-24 March . Because of the pressure on time from European events in close proximity , Gregory Morris will be attending on my behalf , along with our global sales representative Ben Jones . It is sure to be a lively event , even more so than usual . Please get in touch if you would like to meet them so that we can ensure that all the news is covered . The meeting takes place at a particularly interesting time in the pharmaceutical industry and particularly in the world of the CDMO . As we report in the news this month , the transformations and consolidation continue apace , with notable announcements from Piramal Pharma Solutions , Olon , Novasep , TriRx and Asymchem , among others . There will surely be plenty more news bubbling under the surface that will be announced for the first time in New York . At this time in 2020 , I was looking forward to my first ever trip to the hip and happening city of Rotterdam for LogiChem Europe , the key conference in the chemical supply chain . Well , we all know what happened next . That event was cancelled and many of us have barely travelled since . Finally , though , LogiChem Europe is back in the same place at the same time ( 29-31 March ) this year in a world that has belatedly come to grips with the concept of supply chains . Not least in the UK , where the consequences of putting obstacles in the way of a pan-European supply chain are becoming more painfully evident every day ... but I had better not get started on that one . And the following week will see the return of In-Cosmetics Global to Paris , one of its perennial destinations as well as being one of the world capitals of the industry . There have been plenty of digital events organised by Reed under the brand identity in the past two years , but this is one industry where the sights and indeed the scents are hardest to replicate , so it is great news that we will be back in Paris on 5-7 April . I will be there together with our sales team . As well as previewing the show , this edition has a feature on Cosmetics & Personal Care based largely around the latest innovations by suppliers of ingredients and formulations . While very different from each other in scale , Croda , Colonial Chemical and Scott Bader are all rooted in chemistry but have followed the market trends of natural , green and sustainable all the way . When I first went to In-Cosmetics Global in 2002 – yes , in Paris , of course – there was still something of a distinction between the big chemical companies on the show floor and the smaller ones offering all-natural formulations based on what were then exotic ingredients . That distinction was being eroded even then and no longer has any real meaning at all . The chemical companies , including the big distributors , have extended their expertise both organically and by means of acquisition to such an extent that they are all speaking the same language and competing on the same turf . Except those few who stubbornly talk about ‘ chemical-free ’ as if that were actually a thing . And , the Omicron variant permitting , once we have got through those three weeks , we will be looking forward to Chemspec Europe in Frankfurt at the end of May . It ’ s almost beginning to feel like normal again . So , one way or another we hope to see you in New York , Rotterdam , Paris or Frankfurt .
Dr Andrew Warmington
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