Speciality Chemicals Magazine MAR / APR 2021 | Page 61


This adds operational costs ; it does not improve profits . More importantly , water treatment is not typically a facility ’ s core competency . Yet , the same business considerations that a facility considers for its operations and stakeholders ( Figure 2 ) are in essence the same ones that impact their water treatment :
• Quality & brand protection
• Food safety & regulatory compliance
• Environmental compliance
• Sustainable development goals
• Profitability & productivity
• Asset protection
• Worker safety & liability
Developing a holistic roadmap
Commoditised water treatment chemicals and services are no longer a model that works effectively . Gone are the days where a buyer at a facility makes decisions based on cost by volume or per month for water treatment . Corporations are looking for an experienced business partner in their water treatment approach . This approach includes working with on-site engineering , EHS , maintenance , management , procurement and executives .
The development of the roadmap starts with a comprehensive site assessment ( CSA ). This includes discussion with stakeholders to determine local and corporate key performance indicators ( KPIs ), a facility assessment , evaluation and ways to implement the learning . The assessment results in sharing sustainable best practices and opportunities for integrated solutions that are specific to the facility and generally applicable to the whole organisation . The CSA combines local facility expertise and insight with the assessment team ’ s water business expertise . In many instances , it improves communication between departments and organisationally , effectively breaking down operational silos . For example , when the sanitation manager can be shown the impact a change in the cleaning and sanitation process has on the liquid solids separation operation , it helps to facilitate change . The CSA establishes the roadmap . The recommendations and implementation of items from it become specific directions to achieve operational excellence . That is why developing a holistic roadmap to your water treatment matters . It results in the following :
1 . A comprehensive facility approach to water treatment . For organisations with multiple facilities , it allows the facility to meet corporate goals and KPIs , and to prioritise capital funding and operational budgets
2 . Specific solutions to meet desired goals that can be adjusted to meet production , scheduling , or business changes at a facility
3 . A standardised approach that improves internal communication and goal setting
POTWs will continue to struggle to meet their community needs and will require additional household funding to make necessary upgrades and repairs to their infrastructure . This will probably increase the financial burden on industrial users at their production facilities . Getting a head start on establishing a holistic roadmap to your water treatment is the prudent thing to do . •
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Daryl Mandoza
KURITA AMERICA d . mandoza @ kurita-water . com www . kuritaamerica . com