Speciality Chemicals Magazine JUL / AUG 2023 | Page 46

Tom Schoffelen , general manager of software firm ChemChimp , offers a start-up perspective on the impact digitalisation could have on the sustainability of the chemicals industry

Digitalisation & sustainability

Tom Schoffelen , general manager of software firm ChemChimp , offers a start-up perspective on the impact digitalisation could have on the sustainability of the chemicals industry

Gartner Information Technology , in 2021 , defined digitalisation as “ the use of digital technologies to provide new value-producing opportunities , as well as the process of moving to a digital business ”. 1 Some digital technologies have entered mainstream public consciousness and all are transforming industry , notably :

• The Internet of Things
• Big Data analytics
• Artificial intelligence ( AI )
• Blockchain
• Cloud computing
• Online platforms
Drivers for success
Implementing the transformations these technologies bring about into an organisation and a business culture starts with laying out clear priorities . As with any large business differentiation , the priorities you set must be measurable by key performance indicators and in line with the existing business strategy .
The second priority is investing in talent , especially at the top . As a company , you have to embrace digitalisation as a transformation you are committing to . Ensuring that you have the people with the right competence and skillsets will show the whole organisation that you take this seriously .
Empowering people is critical . Everyone needs to know that they are involved in the transformation . They must feel part of the larger change that is taking place and share the same goal , as well as their own goals and responsibilities .
Figure 1 – Waste valorisation & the Circular Economy
You must also commit time and money . It takes both to change a business culture and most of the chemical industry has been functioning for more than 100 years . It will take time to capture all of the existing technologies digitally and implement this successfully .
Finally , you must embrace agility . The business has seen some major external shocks recently , such as COVID-19 , the Ukraine war , and energy and raw material price inflation . A digital strategy must be based on what is actually happening and adapted to the needs of the business .
Chemical industry drivers
Specifically for the chemical industry , digitalisation offers a number of key benefits . These begin with cost reduction . By using digital technology , it is possible to significantly reduce costs at all of the steps from production to the point of sale .
E-networking enables business deals to be closed in a shorter time frame and opens up communication all along the value chain , assisting in moving the product forward as fast as possible . Finally , digitalisation enables greater customer-centricity in an age where you no longer just make product and put it on the market