Speciality Chemicals Magazine JUL / AUG 2023 | Page 40

Juliane Hefel of PPG discusses membrane filtration technology that combats water insecurity around the globe

Supporting water sustainability with high-flux membrane filtration

Juliane Hefel of PPG discusses membrane filtration technology that combats water insecurity around the globe

As the population of our planet grows , the demand for clean water is steadily increasing . Viable water sources are shrinking , however , due to a combination of changes in consumption patterns , and climate and environmental changes . The dangers posed by water insecurity touch all aspects of society , from health concerns to the global economy , and require innovative approaches to ensure every person around the globe has access to safe water .

Water supply , measured by freshwater available in water basins , is influenced by precipitation and the amount of water flowing in and out of the basin via river systems . McKinsey Global Institute reveals that the supply from many water basins could see a decrease of more than 15 % by 2050.1 By then , one in four people could live in a country experiencing chronic water stress , exacerbating competition for resources and impacting socioeconomic systems and services .
Public health concerns centre around access to water for sanitation and hygiene and factor into the UN ’ s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development . The sixth of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals relates to making access to clean water and sanitation a human right .
More people are clustering in urban areas , however , presenting challenges for handling the high demand for treatment of municipal wastewater and urban run-off . Inadequately treated wastewater puts people at risk for disease outbreaks , such as cholera and hepatitis , and can also contaminate groundwater .
With greater withdrawals depleting available groundwater reserves , combined with development and construction changing water storage and aquatic ecosystems , the
Feed flow frequency and severity of seasonal water shortages and damaging weather events are escalating . Droughts , floods , and extreme heat waves damage the ecosystem and the economy , leading to increased prices , food shortages and famine . By 2050 , the World Bank estimates that the water crisis could slow the GDP of some countries by up to 6 %.
The rise of industrial farming and agricultural productivity have helped meet the needs of the growing global population , but it has also become the main consumer of water , as well as a significant source of water pollution due to fertilisers and agrochemicals . The UN reports that agriculture is responsible for 72 % of total water withdrawals today , 2 rendering the industry and the farmers who depend on it especially vulnerable to water shortages .
Backwash discharge
� - D
Outer wrap
§Il Feed channel spacer
D PPG membrane
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Brine seal
Permeate flow
Glue Permeate spacer
Feed solution
Figure 1 – PPG filtration technology
Permeate tube
Backwash water