Speciality Chemicals Magazine JUL / AUG 2023 | Page 4

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Editor : Dr Andrew Warmington editor @ specchemonline . com
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SUBMISSION GUIDELINES : Speciality Chemicals Magazine welcomes feature articles from industry , consultants and academia with a technical , chemistry , regulatory and / or business and market focus . We also welcome opinion or comment pieces on issues in the fine and speciality chemicals sectors .
The articles we use are typically 800-1,500 words , with one picture , figure , diagram , table or other illustration per 500 words . Opinion pieces can be shorter . All submissions are subject to review by the editor to ensure that they are in line with house style and values . SCM does not take placed news stories .
Your article should focus on a scheduled feature , or be of general interest across the sector . We also have a ‘ Special Features ’ category if you need to supply a more general piece of work . Article titles should be no longer than 12 words , with a short standfirst summarising the content of the article and giving the name ( s ) and affiliation ( s ) of the author ( s ).
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JUL / AUG 2023 03 | From the editor 06 | News 50 | People 51 | Events
12 | HPAPIs from early development to full-scale manufacturing
16 | Data-driven development of robust HPAPI processes
20 | Empowering highly potent peptide drug conjugate scale-up with flow chemistry
FOR FURTHER GUIDELINES : editor @ specchemonline . com