Speciality Chemicals Magazine JUL / AUG 2021 | Page 27

* - Cyrene is a registered trademark of Circa Group process to recover PVDF , aluminium foils and cathode material , the results of which were used to develop a reuse platform for battery recycling . In a related field , Circa is also a partner on the EU Horizon 2020 project Champion , which is focused on replacing polymers used in manufacturing with biobased alternatives .
Circa has just completed a € 56 million IPO , which will both boost its manufacturing capabilities and help to accelerate the commercialisation of the LGO biomolecule platform . The ReSolute 1,000 tonnes / year plant under construction and a detailed study in place for a 5,000 tonnes / year plant with Norske Skog . Ultimately , Circa plans to have a production capacity of more than 80,000 tonnes / year by 2030 . Demand from consumers and brand owners for sustainable , biobased chemicals is rising and increased global regulation is creating better conditions for green chemistry . Developing them at scale , as Circa is doing , will help us to move towards the Circular Economy . •
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Dr Jason E . Camp
CIRCA GROUP k + 44 7493 992803 J jason . camp @ circasc . com j circa-group . com