Speciality Chemicals Magazine JAN / FEB 2025 | Page 18

volume terms . Figure 4 plots the AI volume of different classes alongside their value .
This analysis shows that diamides represent a good price opportunity , although it is potentially declining due to patent status , whilst SDHI fungicides include many patented AIs such as fluopyram , representing a good price opportunity alongside growing AI volumes . Nicotinamides are an ageing class of insecticides with a large generic segment in all AIs , and are perhaps more of a volume opportunity as a result .
Intermediates analysis
AgbioChem breaks synthetic routes down by intermediate and estimates the volume required to manufacture each AI based on the volume of AI used . This is estimated by comparing the molecular weight of each intermediate and assuming a 90 % yield per step .
Table 1 outlines the volume of each intermediate required to manufacture the volume used in 2022 for the 357 AIs evaluated in AgbioChem . It shows that multiple intermediates are a step in multiple AIs , with diethyl malonate and 1,2,4-triazole a step in 27 synthetic routes . They represent some 2,790 tonnes and 12,286 tonnes required , respectively , to manufacture the volume used for these AIs .
Further to this , we can apply this methodology to AgbioInvestor ’ s trend data for agrochemical AIs
Figure 3 - Ring AI volume vs . value
-:- 2000 E
� 1500 ro
> <x: 1000
0 0
Diamides : $ 511 / Kg
SOHi fungicides : $ 198 / Kg
ALS : lmidazolinones : $ 188 / Kg
Nicotinamides : $ 68 / Kg
• I • • •
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Al Volume { 000 KgAI )
Figure 4 - Volume & value by class for AIs synthesised using pyridines
to assess the trend for different intermediates , as outlined in the chart on the following page . There is some error inherent in these calculations , notably the assumption that all volume is manufactured through a single synthetic route ,
whereas in reality multiple different routes will be employed . As such , these volumes can only be seen as indicative .
This analysis shows that although 1,2,4-triazole has grown in the years to 2022 , it is expected to decline , tied to the lower volumes of triazole fungicides if these lose approval status in the EU . Likewise , 2,4,6-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine has grown but is expected to decline over coming years as a result of regulatory actions against triazine herbicides . ●
Sales Team
Table 1 - Number of actives and volume @ 90 % yield / step ( T ) for intermediates used in multiple AIs
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AGBIO INVESTOR jack @ agbioinvestor . com www . agbioinvestor . com