BASF to source macaúba oils
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Under a newly signed , long-term supplier finance agreement , BASF will source macaúba kernel and pulp oil from Brazilian firm Inocas . The deal includes an R & D project , options to acquire equity shares and financing Inocas ’ plans to expand production to industrial scale .
The macaúba ( Acrocomia aculeata ) is native to Brazil and is adapted to semi-arid conditions and poor soils . Its fruits can be processed into oils and residual biomass . Inocas aims to plant at least 50,000 hectares of it in partnership with smallholder farmers by 2030 BASF intends to use the kernel oil in its personal care and home care portfolio , with commercial pilot volumes available in 2025 . The pulp oil will be used from 2027 onwards to obtain bio-naphtha , which then can be converted into polymers , solvents , detergents , lubricants , synthetic fibres , fuels and other products .
In the same field , BASF has formed a partnership with Slovenian white biotech Acies Bio . Under this it will further develop the latter ’ s OneCarbonBio fermentation platform to derive methanol for the production of fatty alcohols for home and personal care ingredients , notably surfactants .
OneCarbonBio is described as “ a fully flexible synthetic biology platform designed to efficiently convert renewable methanol , derived from captured CO 2 emissions , into a variety of chemical raw materials ”. BASF ’ s Care Chemicals division and Acies Bio will use the specialised microbes and scale up the process .
The expected benefits for BASF include increased scale and flexibility , leading to a diversification of the renewable feedstock portfolio and making Care Chemicals ’ global supply chain more resilient .