In 2021 , 55.8 % of Azelis ’ revenue was covered with ESG-assessed suppliers . By 2025 , 80 % of our revenue will come from ESG assessed or audited suppliers , via our membership of Together for Sustainability ( TfS ), a joint initiative of chemical companies that focuses on the promotion of sustainability practices in the chemical industry ’ s supply chain . TfS currently gathers 40 companies around a single standard of auditing and assessment .
Governance , in a nutshell , is the pillar within our sustainability strategy that ensures that we will advance towards the objectives of all four pillars and create sustainable value for all our stakeholders . Our sustainability steering committee is responsible for driving the correct implementation of the strategy .
Azelis has a robust compliance framework and strong crisis management and business continuity planning in place at most of our sites and aim to extend this to all sites by 2025 . Every year , we achieve our target of zero material breaches , both
in laws and regulations and in ethical and fair business practices .
Finally , in the area of environment , Azelis reduced its Scope 1 and 2 carbon emission intensity from 4.76 tonnes CO 2 eq ./€ million sales in 2019 to 3.58 in 2021 . The target for 2025 is 3.57 , so we are clearly on track and hope to further our efforts at the same pace . For this indicator , i . e . carbon intensity , we are working together with our independent auditor to ensure ISAE 3000 limited assurance of carbon emissions intensity every year .
We are continually reducing the environmental impact of our operations . We are currently establishing a roadmap to source renewable electricity in our offices and thus further reduce our carbon footprint .
In our pledge to help improve sustainability standards across the value chain , we are members of a number of sector associations and initiatives in which we actively participate . As well as TfS , these include the International Chemical Trade Association , the National Association of Chemical Distributors ( USA ) and FECC , the European Association of Chemical Distributors .
As both a company and a community , Azelis has put in a considerable level of effort and commitment towards achieving sustainability . Together , we will strive to meet the needs of our stakeholders , while creating a positive and widespread impact on the environment and communities around the world . ●
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Maria Almenar
AZELIS maria . almenar @ azelis . com www . azelis . com / en / sustainability