SPPS : Process improvements to reduce solvent consumption
Dr Renan Ravetti Duran , innovation scientist , and Dr Olivier Ludemann-Hombourger , global director of innovation and technology , at PolyPeptide Group introduce a new percolation wash concept for solid-phase peptide synthesis
Figure 1 - Batch washing cycle of a SPPS reactor
Market demand for peptide APIs is growing and is thus generating increasing pressure to produce the peptide in a more sustainable way . 1 , 2 The large volumes of hazardous solvents used to synthesise peptides are a particular concern . Polypeptide Group is deeply engaged in the development of green and sustainable solutions for synthetic peptide APIs . 3-5 Green solvent alternatives are emerging , but the generally large volume of solvent used for the manufacturing of peptides remains a major challenge .
Figure 2 - Reduction of residual piperidine concentration by batch wash