Therapeutics is developing these peptides as standalone therapeutics or as a potential targeting platform . 23 Similar to this technology , the Pentelute laboratory has been also exploiting macrocylisation with thioether chemistry through reactions of Cys residues with perfluoroarene . The resulting peptides are stabilised and have enhanced cell-penetrating properties for delivery across the blood-brain barrier . 24 Recently , they have made bicyclic perfluoroarylpeptides containing cell penetrating motifs for the delivery of antisense oligonucleotides . 25 Another company developing macrocyclic peptides for therapeutic indications is Peptidream , located in Japan . This company , which was co-founded by Dr Hiroaki Suga , has licensed technology developed by him at the University of Tokyo is using flexisyme technology for loading tRNAs with novel amino acids . 26 These are used in their proprietary peptide discovery translation system coupled with macrocyclisation and modification to develop peptide leads rapidly . A recent review from the Suga lab summarises many of these |
Figure 3 – Balixafortide constraints |
techniques . 27 Peptidream uses many constraint technologies to develop peptides for large pharmaceutical partners , including Novartis , Merck , GSK , Shionogi and many others .
Hopefully , this mini-review will provide those interested in the developing area of therapeutic macrocyclic peptides with a good starting point to gain some perspective . It is by no means a comprehensive summary of the field , however . An excellent current review of this topic from Jing and Jin can provide a much deeper dive into this technology . 28 •
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11 : L . D . Walensky & G . H . Bird , J . Med . Chem . 2014 , 57 , 15 , 6275-6288 |
25 : J . M . Wolfe et al ., Angew . Chemie Int . Ed . 2018 , 57 , 4756-4759 |
12 : A . N . Whelan et al ., Tetrahedron Lett . 2004 , 45 ( 52 ), 9545 – 9547 |
26 : R . Takatsuji , et al ., J . Am . Chem . Soc . 2019 , 141 , 2279-2287 |
13 : J . Burnley et al ., J . Org . Chem . 2015 , 80 ( 18 ), 9057 – 9063 |
27 : A . A . Vinogradov et al ., J . Am . Chem . Soc . 2014 , 141 , 4167-4181 |
14 : Carvajal et al ., Sci . Transl . Med . 2018 , 10 ( 436 ) |
28 : X . Jing & K . Jin , Med . Res . Rev . 2019 , 1-5 |