Speciality Chemicals Magazine JAN / FEB 2021 | Seite 3


It ’ s good to be back

PUBLISHED BY : In2Publishing Ltd , PO Box 7492 , Kidderminster , Worcestershire , DY11 9HB
Publishing Director : Jon Fellows
Editor : Dr Andrew Warmington editor @ specchemonline . com
US Editor : Gregory Morris gdlm @ enterpriseandindustry . com
Design : Sean Roper
Global Commercial Manager : Charlie Wise charlie @ in2publishing . co . uk
Global Agent : Ben Jones bjones @ centurygloballlc . com
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the publication , In2Publishing Ltd cannot accept liability for any statement or error contained herein . © Speciality Chemicals Magazine 2021
Speciality Chemicals Magazine ( SCM ) welcomes feature articles from industry , consultants and academia with a technical , chemistry , regulatory and / or business and market focus . We also welcome opinion or comment pieces on issues in the fine and speciality chemicals sectors .
The articles we use are typically 800-1,500 words , with one picture , figure , diagram , table or other illustration per 500 words . Opinion pieces can be shorter . All submissions are subject to review by the editor to ensure that they are in line with house style and values . SCM does not take placed news stories .
Your article should focus on a scheduled feature , or be of general interest across the sector . We also have a ‘ Special Features ’ category if you need to supply a more general piece of work . Article titles should be no longer than 12 words , with a short standfirst summarising the content of the article and giving the name ( s ) and affiliation ( s ) of the author ( s ).
Figures and tables should be numbered and given a caption of no more than ten words . Text should be submitted in Word format , with illustrations as separate files in an editable format . Chemical formulae should be provided as PDFs . Pictures must have a minimum of 300 dpi resolution for colour printing .
FOR FURTHER GUIDELINES : editor @ specchemonline . com
As you may have noticed – I certainly hope you did ! - Speciality Chemicals Magazine has been away for eight months . I am now very pleased to be able to inform you that SCM has resumed publication . We are now owned by in2 Publishing and we are looking forward to working with you again in the coming years . I am still the editor and can be contacted via Tel : + 44 7814 765714 and email : editor @ specchemonline . com As ever , I am keen to hear from anyone with ideas for features that will interest our readership in the fine and speciality chemicals sectors , be they technical articles , profiles or business- and market-related . We also welcome Charlie Wise , who has huge experience in media sales with TRMG , as sales director for the magazine . Ben Jones remains your contact for ad sales in North America and the wider world . See below for their contact details . In 2021 , there will be six issues with a rotating line-up of features in each . This is the first and full details of the schedule for the year are available on the website , www . specchemonline . com In February , we will also resume our twice-monthly newsletters , consisting of the latest news and short feature articles of interest to our readership in the fine and speciality chemicals sector . As and when industry events resume , we will also resume our distribution arrangements at them . When that will be is anyone ’ s guess , of course , and will depend on local conditions in different places – as well as people ’ s willingness to travel again . Things are changing so fast day to day that speculation is pointless at best . I am writing this shortly after CPhI Worldwide , which was originally scheduled for the end of July , was shifted back to its more traditional November slot . And , shortly before we went to press , proposals were put out for a ‘ hard lockdown ’ in Germany , including a three-week cessation of operations for the chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries , which , the VCI and BVAC business associations were pointing out , was a terrible idea . At the start of the pandemic , the talk was of when we would get back to normal . I don ’ t hear much of that now – whatever ‘ normal ’ is in future will probably be a very different thing to what we knew before . Nonetheless , industries will still need to connect with themselves and their customers and we will still be here to do just that , in old ways and new . Coincidentally , January 2021 sees SCM ' s 40th birthday – cue the old joke about life beginning at 40 . There were moments in the last year when reaching that milestone seemed unlikely , but this magazine has been through tough times before and survived . And here we are again ! As the old saying goes , it ’ s good to be back . I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you at events again one day .
Dr Andrew Warmington
Get in touch to discuss ways we can help you meet your strategic goals :
Charlie Wise
k + 44 1398 310 250
+ 44 7787 565 771 charlie @ in2publishing . co . uk
Ben Jones
k + 1 610 225 2396
+ 1 610 517 0844 bjones @ centurygloballlc . com