plan — as they need to be closely monitored by the country ’ s whole institutional , political , entrepreneurial , cultural and social system . However , it is also important to underline the positive growth of the national market in the first quarter of 2022 , as it is a sign that the entire Italian glass supply chain is investing in cutting-edge technology , so as to be ready to get moving again , more competitive than ever .” Main markets in 2021 and in the first third of 2022 The United States remains the main market for glass-processing machines and technologies , accounting for 10.4 % of total exports , followed by Germany ( 9.3 %) and Spain ( 7.2 %). These three countries stand out for the constant growth in the value of the products they absorb , which rose in 2021 in comparison with both 2020 and 2019 , confirming their reliability as outlet markets , even in times of crisis . The other countries making up the top ten markets for Italian exports are : Poland ( 5.2 %), France ( 5.2 %), China ( 3.7 %), Turkey ( 3.6 %),
the UK ( 3.3 %), India ( 3.2 %) and Brazil ( 2.7 %). The growth of the Turkish market is particularly noteworthy : + 4.4 % on 2020 and + 45.1 % on 2019 . The USA , Germany and Spain are the main export markets for the Flat Glass sector , too , accounting for 15.2 %, 6.7 % and 5.6 % of all exports respectively . The same three countries are also the leading markets for Accessories and other Technologies for Glass Processing , albeit in a different order : Germany is in first place with an export share of 13.9 %, followed by Spain and the USA , which , respectively , account for 10 % and 6.2 % of the sector ’ s total exports . Finally , Mexico continues to be the main export market for Hollow Glass : despite losing part of its market share in 2021 , it aborbs 9 % of the sector ’ s exports . The US market has grown strongly , moving into second place ahead of China , which has thus dropped to third place , partly as an effect of the ongoing Covid-19 containment measures in force in the country .


Prodim International BV Lagedijk 26 , 5705 BZ Helmond , Netherlands / www . prodim-systems . com
Tecnovati Com srl Via Pisana , 15 , 50028 Barberino Tavarnelle Italy / www . tecnovati . it