Special Sections OCT. 9, 2013 | Page 37

Oct. 9, 2013 Courtesy of the News-Review and The Three Lakes News Members of the Hiles Volunteer Fire Department, Station B, include, front row from left, Chuck Hill, Mike Marlatt, Otto Scharpf, Terry Cherney, Kay Scharpf, Roger Brown, Dave Parker, Al Calbresa, Bud Mohns and Jeff Kirschmann; back row, Jeremy Starz, Marge Ger- Page 37 hart, John Nelesen, Lynn Parker, Dick Cherney, Tom Carlstedt, Bob Curley, Tom Seccombe, Doris Lovrine, Nancy Steenport and Jim Steenport. The station is located near Butternut and Franklin lakes. —Contributed Photos Hiles department does more than put out fires The north station of the Hiles Volunteer Fire Department, near Butternut and Franklin lakes, provides fire protection and emergency medical services for the residents and many recreational visitors who come to enjoy the North Woods. Like any other fire department, the squad members also reach out to the community in other ways, according to Hiles firefighter Chuck Hill, who gave several examples. In July, an apparent localized microburst with strong winds affected residents and power lines near Franklin Lake, according to Hill. “Many mature trees took down lines and two utility poles, and caused extensive damage to residences,” he said. “A neighbor called for assistance and the fire department was on the scene until late at night.” Hill said volunteer firefighters checked the affected homes to make sure that people were safe and cleared the road to allow access by the eight Wisconsin Public Service trucks that came to restore service. Later in the summer, a passing fisherman spotted what appeared to be an eagle trapped in a tree on the north side of Franklin Lake. “The department was dispatched to provide equipment and personnel that could be used to rescue the trapped bird,” said Hill. The efforts of the fire department, along with Wild Instincts from near Rhinelander, finally freed the bird just before darkness. “The eagle had apparently been carrying and was still attached to a onepound leg-hold trap for about three days,” said Hill. “Follow up with the rescue center indicates that the eagle will recover and be released.” Finally, Fire Prevention Week is celebrated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