Special Miracles January 2014 | Page 17

" This is Mandy, my 25 year old sister loving on her little nephew. She is such a happy, sweet and caring young lady, and we love her to the moon and back! "

- Melissa M.



" This is my awesome son Alex. He is 22 years old and the light of my life. God gave me a precious gift when he gave me the privilege of being Alex's mother."

- Stacy C.



" I love your Facebook page!!! I don't have a child with Down syndrome, but the pictures on your site absolutely warmed my heart, and I wish they were all lined up so I could kiss the cheeks of each and every one! I am so thankful for these kids!" - Krista A.

Here is my baby Charlie (17months), my baby brother Andy (32), and me. I feel so blessed!

- Katherine E.
