The Last
3 Days…
Saturday 2-28-2015 Monday 3-2-2015
“I feel like everything inside me is dead Then Monday came. She held on as long as
except my brain, it refuses to die,” Nazy often she could but around 1:15 pm…
said. She was convinced that the problem was
with her head and had been asking for an MRI
Life hasn’t been the same and never will be.
for the longest. So the Saturday night before
she passed the doctors honored her wishes. Our hearts are broken but we take comfort in
Turns out her head was fine. It was the cruel, knowing that she is now resting in the arms
troublesome wolf and its complications of our Lord. In a place devoid of pain and
messing with her head. She thanked everyone sadness and lupus. We lost our beloved but
— her nurses and doctors — and was gained an angel. An angel guiding us through
unusually talkative that night. We were the despair. She gave her all in all that she did
hopeful — she was bouncing back! and wouldn’t rest until it’s done. So, we know
she will carry her angelic role and will not
Sunday 3-01-2015 tire until we’re all okay!
But Sunday morning at about 8 am, a call There may be no end to grief but we also
from the hospital came in and the very know that love endures forever. When we find
contented Nazy from the night before was ourselves in a stupor of sadness, we conjure
now intubated — on life support and unable up the fond memories to help us through the
to speak. How could this be?! The doctors said despair.
her lungs had collapsed. A machine was now
responsible for her breathing.