Special Edition on Sterile Processing Imperatives Special Edition- Sterile Processing Imperatives | Page 30

Title: Surgical Instrument Point-of-Use Cleaning and Transport Number: Version: 1 Effective: Next Review Date: Author: Original Date: Last Review: Revision Date: Approved by: Purpose and Population: Purpose: To provide guidance to perioperative, hospital, and clinic personnel for point-of-use cleaning and transporting of surgical instruments, powered equipment, and flexible scopes in preparation for terminal sterilization. The expected outcome is that the patient is free from signs and symptoms of infection by meeting a standard process for all types of devices and surgical instrumentation. Population: All Hospital/Systems affiliated locations utilizing reusable surgical instruments that are transported to a central location for re-processing and sterilization both on and off campus. Definitions: CSPD: Central Sterile Processing Department POUC – Point-of-use-cleaning: is completed to reduce the level of visible contaminates to allow safe handling and transport to a processing area/department. PPE: Personal protective equipment RED SHEET - The red sheet is used to identify contaminated bio-hazard instrumentation from point-of-use in the perioperative (OR) setting to the decontamination processing area. Information on the red sheet is completed at point-of-use with completion by staff at the decontamination processing area. Only the OR, CV OR and WIS are to use the form. Manual Cleaning; Manual cleaning is completed as the first step in processing instruments starting at the point-of-use by the user for the removal of visible bio-burden. Further manual cleaning is completed in the CSPD decontamination room to minimize all visible bio-burden providing staff “safe-to-handle” devices for inspection and packaging in preparation for terminal sterilization. Additionally, manual cleaning is defined as a low-level process limited to devices that cannot tolerate automated high-temperature or high impingement washing. Manual low-level cleaning is used for non-invasive medical devices such as laparoscopic cameras, light cords, rigid scopes, cables/cords and medical devices that cannot be processed in an automated washer but require sterilization as a final processing method. Manual washing includes instruments/devices that will receive only HLD processing requiring competencies reviewed per device by staff handling such items. Policy: • Preparation for cleaning and decontamination of instruments will begin at the point of use. • Cleaning and decontamination of instruments and equipment will occur as soon as possible after instruments and equipment is used. • Contaminated instruments will be transported to the decontamination area as soon as possible after use in an approved transport container with a securable lid, closed case cart or covered open cart. May not be current policy once printed Page 1 of 5 Click here to view Surgical Instrument Point-of-Use Cleaning and TransportForm bulk-transport to the decontamination area and fit into the model with the same requirements. The hardest part of implementing point-of-use auditing is how SPD staff in the decontamination area responds to unacceptable findings in case cart(s) received. SPD personnel must feel like they can reject a case cart based on the lack of point-of-use process from the OR without reprisal. Staff also need to be consistent with rejects so that the OR is clear on what that is. SPD leadership needs to be contacted when there is an issue and the incident reviewed by OR leadership, with potential written follow-up of the person sending the cart if there are ongoing events. More importantly, the OR must buy into the process or it will fail. The teamwork here is critical, given the sheer number of instruments an SPD will reprocess on any given day, both used and unused. The perioperative department is comprised of both the OR and the SPD, with both playing a critical role in the overall patient-care and safety team. The impact this team has on each other impacts the success of our surgeons in delivering safe surgery to patients. Timothy Brooks, BS, CSPM, is director of the Banner Health Systems CSPD Program. References: Top 10 Health Technology Hazards 2020 report for hospitals, medical practices and homecare providers. Oct. 7, 2019. Policies & Procedures: Instruments: Point of Use https://www.aorn.org/.../06_instruments_pointofuse. doc?la=en - Competency Statement AAMI and AORN standards Competency Verification Tool — Surgical Instrument Users Practice: Surgical Instruments, Cleaning and Care — Point-of-Use Cleaning and Transport Name: Date: Competency Statement: The surgical instrument handler/user has completed facility or health care organization-required education and competency verification activities related to point-of-use cleaning and transporting surgical instruments. 1 1. Guideline for cleaning and care of surgical instruments. In: Guidelines for Perioperative Practice. Denver, CO: AORN, Inc. Outcome Statement: Patient is free from signs and symptoms of infection. 2 2. Petersen C, ed. Infection. In: Perioperative Nursing Data Set. 3 rd ed. Denver, CO: AORN, Inc; 2011:254-276. Verification Method [Select applicable code from legend at bottom of page] Competency Statements/Performance Criteria DEM/ DO/DA KAT RWM/ S/SBT /CS Verb P&P Oth N/A 1. Keeps instruments free of gross soil at the points of use during surgical procedure. 2. Wipes instruments as needed with sterile surgical sponges/towels moistened with sterile water during the procedure to remove gross soil. 3. Prepares instruments for transport to the decontamination area for further cleaning at the point of use. 4. Does not use saline to wipe or soak surgical instrument at the point of use. 5. Does not use saline in transport containers for soaking instruments. Uses only sterile or potable water. 6. Irrigates instruments with lumens with sterile water as needed to maintain clear channels throughout the surgical procedure. 7. Removes and discards disposable sharps (eg, scalpel blades, suture needles) into the designated in-room puncture-resistant, leak-proof containers. 8. Segregates used sharp instruments from other instruments in the same set with a wet towel. 9. Separates used from non-used instrument(s) with a moistened towel so that they receive immediate attention in the decontamination area. DEM/DO/DA S/SBT/CS RWM/P&P N/A = = = = Demonstration/Direct Observation/Documentation Audit Skills Laboratory/Scenario-based Training/Controlled Simulation Review of Written or Visual Materials/Policy/Procedure Review (Specify P&P #s) Not Applicable Not Met (Explain why) KAT = Verb = Knowledge Assessment Test Verbalization Oth Other: ____________________________________________________ = Page 1 of 3 30 Sterile Processing Imperatives 2020 • www.healthcarehygienemagazine.com