Special Edition on Sterile Processing Imperatives Special Edition- Sterile Processing Imperatives | Page 27

State DoH regulations include a statement recommending sterile processing to comply with these standards. ● SGNA Guidelines: Voluntary guidelines for processing GI flexible endoscopes. ● Educational resources and sterile processing technician accrediting agencies. Both agencies provide certification preparation materials and testing to credential sterile processing technicians and managers. ● International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) ● Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distri- bution (CBSPD) ● Accreditation Agencies – Hospitals must be accredited in order to receive Medicare and Medicaid payments. The most popular accrediting agencies are: ● The Joint Commission (TJC) – Surveys hospitals every 3 years and their standards revolve around continuously improving the quality of care and safety provided to patients. ● The JC guidance for SPD readiness - High-Level Disinfection (HLD) and Sterilization BoosterPak ● Det Norske Veritas (DNV-GL) – the accreditation survey is based on the integration of the CMS condition of participation standards International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001 Quality Management. DNV-GL also offers a sterile processing certification. ● American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) - accreditation for outpatient facilities. There many other regulatory and voluntary agencies not discussed in this article that develop standards to help healthcare be a more efficient and safer environment for our patients. The sterile processing professional should be familiar with the guidelines that impact the functions of SPD and should incorporate them into the department’s policies and procedures. EXAMINE. Honest self-examination can shed light on deficiencies in sterilization and HLD and force a reckoning for an institution. At a loss for where to start? Check out CMS’s sur- veyors’ worksheets for straightforward guidance, or TJC’s HLD BoosterPk, which outlines the areas most likely to be assessed by inspectors and details corresponding regulations. DNV-GL’s Assessment Checklist ISO 9001:2015 makes easy work of following steps on the way to compliance. When in doubt, remember that a comprehensive examination for vulnerabilities should cover process workflow, quality management processes, competencies, recordkeeping, and flexible endoscope repro- cessing. Healthcare organiza- tions can engage a professional reprocessing expert to conduct a comprehensive review of Courtesy of Mary Olivera reprocessing procedures. EDUCATE. Many states now require SPD professionals to achieve certification in their field and submit continuing education credits on a yearly basis. That’s a good thing. Advances in surgical technology have introduced sophisticated and delicate instrumentation that require even more attention during processing and sterilization, so it is vital that SPD professionals stay up to date, understand, and adhere to guidelines and IFUs for processing these ever-advancing tools. It is critical to understand that before a technician is assigned to perform a task, they must be fully trained in all aspects of the process. Leaders must set the example by educating themselves and strictly adhering to protocol. They must also take notice of employees who are doing the right thing and praise accord- ingly, and address issues where they may arise. REFORM. After care- ful preparation, honest examination, and thor- ough education, hospital leadership must enact the change they wish to see in their facilities. But Courtesy of Mary Olivera they cannot do it alone. It is imperative that leaders propose change in collaboration with administrative leadership, operating room teams, infection control specialists, and sterile processing team members. These team members have a unique vantage point of a facility’s current operations and missteps and can offer on-the-ground insight that upper management cannot. Plus, these teams are the most affected by changes in process and protocol and may have to undo years of ingrained habits. Leaders should make these teams feel heard, incorporate feedback into new processes, and guide resistant team members through the change. Sometimes, the end result of the PEER process is a complete overhaul of the SPD, and that’s okay. An SPD that provides the proper amount of space, equipment, and resources to deliver quality outcomes reduces the risk of infection in patients, decreases OR case delays due to instruments, and increases physician satisfaction. An improved SPD can also decrease error rates and reduce staffing-related problems. A well-organized SPD is the pinnacle of enhanced productivity. Remember, the PEER model is more than just preparation for an accreditation survey. It’s the foundation for being a center of excellence and a model of sterile processing and high-level disinfecting compliance. And for you? Well, knowing that your SPD is a well-oiled machine will help you have restful nights.  Mary Olivera, MHA, CRCST, CHL, FCS, has actively par- ticipated in the monitoring, surveying and training interde- partmental staff in the proper cleaning, decontamination and sterilization practices and has been highly committed to the standardization of interdepartmental processes. Currently, she is the president and CEO for OSPECS Consulting, LLC. a company dedicated to facilitating process re-engineering in healthcare organizations. www.healthcarehygienemagazine.com • Sterile Processing Imperatives 2020 27