Special Edition on Operating Room Imperatives Special Edition- Operating Room Imperatives | Page 7

FACILITY SOLUTIONS AORN’s facility solutions include educational and clinical resources based on the Guidelines for Perioperative Practice. By relying on evidence-based solutions, healthcare leaders can be assured their teams – whether new to the surgical setting or with many years of experience – are practicing at the highest level of competency and patients are receiving the best care possible . eGUIDELINES PLUS PERIOP 101: A CORE CURRICULUM™ A better way to access the AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice A standardized, comprehensive education program for nurses new to the perioperative setting Essential nurse education for specialty surgical procedures CAREER CENTER AORN SYNTEGRITY ® GROUP MEMBERSHIP Post job openings and search top perioperative talent Evidence-Based Perioperative Documentation Solution Provides evidence-based practice resources to help implement the Guidelines and improve patient outcomes PERIOP 202™ Learn more: aorn.org/facilitysolutions