Special Edition on Operating Room Imperatives Special Edition- Operating Room Imperatives | Page 13

and efficiently than did their coworkers. Housekeeper A cleaned rooms quickly but was not effective. The researchers report that there was no correlation between the average effectiveness and median efficiency. Rupp, et al. (2014) note, “From the viewpoint of hospital administration, there are two major variables to be considered in managing the operations of EVS. First, cleaning must be effective; as much as possible, potential pathogens should be eradicated or removed. There are increasing data to link environmental contamination to HAI, and the first priority should be given to providing patients a safe environment. Second, resources are limited, and thus housekeepers must be encouraged to maximize efficiency.” The researchers say their study provides insight into optimi- zation of EVS performance relating to the measurable values of effectiveness and efficiency, within the context of employing optimum outlier models, which previously have been used to improve hand hygiene compliance. Where it gets interesting is when variability of cleaning and disinfection practice is studied. Rupp, et al. (2014) identified a subset of housekeepers who regularly clean hospital rooms more effectively and more efficiently than their coworkers. The researchers say the critical next step is to study the habits of these optimum outliers and translate the knowledge into improved practice for all housekeepers. While the study did not seek to demonstrate an association between room cleanliness and HAI incidence, it highlights the importance of understanding the motivations of these outliers and h ealthcarehygienemagazine Healthcare Hygiene magazine, a new monthly publication uniting infection prevention-driven stakeholders in the quest for clean, invites you to submit to us your articles addressing evidence-based practices. Articles should be robustly scientific and non-commercial in nature. For submissions guidelines, send an inquiry to: [email protected] We are building bridges between Infection Prevention/Epidemiology, Scientific R&D, Manufacturing and Regulatory/Compliance through a comprehensive online and digital platform. Join this vibrant new online community and be alerted when new monthly issues of the magazine and other supplements are released. www.healthcarehygienemagazine.com SIGN UP TODAY