Special Edition on Infection Prevention & Control | Page 38

SURFACES SUPPORT AND HARBOR MICROBES THAT CAN CAUSE DEADLY INFECTION. Surfaces matter—particularly when it comes to disinfecting. FACT: Surfaces are fomites. Pathogens can live on surfaces for days, weeks, or even months. The problem is, not all surfaces can be cleaned and disinfected in the same way. When they are, damage occurs and microbes find safe harbor. Learn how the Healthcare Surfaces Institute is providing resources to address the spread of pathogens via surfaces. Join us at healthcaresurfacesinstitute.org Healthcare Surfaces Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to reduce preventable infections through the collaboration of industry, academia, science, regulatory, and service sectors by interrupting the transmission of surface-related pathogens in healthcare in support of community health.