Special Edition : Jonathan Todd | 页面 4


Hotel Magic , LLC is headquartered in the Islands of Hawaii , USA , with global operations and rapid expansion . Jonathan Todd , MD ( Master of Deception ) is the founder and Chief Executive Officer . Jonathan has produced and managed major theatrical events , iconic celebrities including Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac for over 20 years , has a Grammy Nomination , and has performed magic professionally and vocationally since bitten by the magic-bug at the ripe age of 7 through his maternal grandfather Julius A . Traum . He has been described in major magic sites and periodicals as “ a Magician ’ s Magician ”, is a member of The Academy of Magical Arts and Sciences ( The Magic Castle ), but he is equally at home in the areas of corporate management , marketing , licensing , and branding .
Hotel Magic , LLC is about to redefine magical entertainment as we navigate through this new world of live shows . VANISH gets the exclusive interview with Jonathan about his life and the opportunities he is offering magicians and those who love of our art .