The Magical Mystery Show ! is taking the magic world by storm ! HOTEL MAGIC LLC produces the , “ Best Magic on the Planet at the Finest Resorts in the World ”, and their roster boasts the top of the Parlor Performers in magic .
NOW EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH SME you can get the tricks and the TRAINING for a super low introductory price VANISH Magazine has a full Special Edition out just about this show and Stevens Magic Emporium is promoting contests to find even more of the Worl ’ d Best Magicians . More coming soon on that ! For now read all about your trainers and The Magical Mystery Show ! at www . Hotel-Magic . com
In this kit you will get ZOOM training and the props and tricks you need to :
• Make anything small vanish-appear – or both !
• Prove your mind can move objects !
• Perform multiple coin tricks including making a coin disappear in the spectator ’ s hand and appear anywhere you want .
• Penetrate solids through solids !
• Shuffle a deck , have the spectator shuffle the deck , and still have all the cards in new deck order ( or all red and all black order ) after the spectator does the LAST shuffle ! Then shuffle again and confidently pull out the four aces -and so much more !
Best part ? Everything fits in your pockets and is virtually self working . YOU RECEIVE our bespoke collection of the best tricks that are easy to do PLUS an introductory Zoom or phone session ( your choice ) with a professional , certified , resident magician from The Magical Mystery Show ! Roster !
Zoom session is 20 minutes and is agreed on after your set arrives . Code for meeting is in the box ! AND – If you want more classes with your teacher you can opt for more private instruction with 20 % off courtesy of SME !