are all dedicated to helping children . A portion of the tickets will be going to Shrine hospitals for Children and to Aloha Shriners in Hawaii .
Jonathan also acknowledges he wouldn ’ t be where his is in life if The Magic Castle didn ’ t open up the juniors which gave him the real shot to work . He wants to acknowledge that and offered The Academy of Magical Arts to donate a portion of ticket sales to them . General Manager of the Magic Castle , Hervé Lévy , and Jonathan held a zoom meeting last month and the agreement was accepted . The Magic Castle has the Dai Vernon foundation , library needs , and programs to assist magicians and the junior membership . All can always benefit from additional funding .
It is in keeping with Jonathan ’ s style to be offering a donation per ticket from the top — the gross ticket sale , rather than the oft used and often meaningless , “ portion of the profits ” generally offered . This is a quantifiable , and likely multimillion dollar funding for the AMA and Shrine over the coming years .
The Academy of Magical Arts dining room . The Academy of Magical Arts benefits from a direct ticket contribution of every ticket sold .