Radiation fears in the Grand Canyon : Uranium mine opens just miles from national attraction ‐ as experts warn it could pose health and ecological hazard | Daily Mail Online
Radiation fears in the Grand Canyon : Uranium mine opens just miles from national attraction ‐ as experts warn it could pose health and ecological hazard
A uranium mine opened 10 miles away from the Grand Canyon ' s southern brim Environmentalists warn it could contaminate groundwater and pollute the air
� READ MORE : Six pollutants , including uranium are found in U . S . drinking water
PUBLISHED : 12:54 EST , 14 January 2024 | UPDATED : 13:33 EST , 14 January 2024
A new uranium mine has opened near the Grand Canyon despite experts warning that it could wreak havoc on the environment and local water sources .
A 20‐year law that banned mining on the uraniumrich land surrounding the national park expired in 2023 , allowing the Pinyon Plain Mine to open in December ‐ about 10 miles south of the Grand Canyon ' s southern brim .
The mine ' s proximity to the national park has sparked pushback from environmental activists who fear that radioactive chemicals will contaminate the water and pose a health hazard to people who live in the area , as well as tourists .
The Havasupai Tribe has repeatedly tried to prevent the mine from opening , arguing that it will contaminate local groundwater and threaten cultural and spiritual religious sites .