November 2023
Financial impact of lung cancer : A European perspective
| Description and methodology
· Executive Summary ·
This report is a descriptive research analysis that explores the economic burden of lung cancer , as reported by people diagnosed with the disease and those in a caregiving capacity . Data collection was through a self-filled online survey ( active from May 26 th until July 5 th , 2023 ). This survey was completed by 1,161 participants ( 834 people with lung cancer and 327 caregivers ) across 28 European countries .
| Results
The cost of lung cancer
Most participants experienced both medical ( 73.5 %) and non-medical expenses ( 87.2 %) because of lung cancer . The costs reported most often were travel for medical reasons ( 83.7 %), household utility bills such as telephone or heating ( 77.3 %), and personal items such as dressings , bandages , and creams ( 72.3 %). In addition , 62.9 % reported a reduced household income since diagnosis . Half ( 49.5 %) experienced a greater than 30 % decrease in income compared to life before lung cancer .
Financial distress
Financial challenges as a result of the disease was experienced by 66.7 %. A substantial number reported the following financial repercussions :
45.7 % had difficulties paying expenses associated with lung cancer .
36.8 % found it difficult to live on their usual household income because of lung cancer .
31.6 % needed more than 20 % of their household income to pay for expenses related to lung cancer .
Health repercussions
A total of 88.4 % of people experiencing financial difficulties stated that at least one sphere of their lives was negatively affected . The main repercussions reported were on mental health ( 67.5 %), and lifestyle and social activities ( 59.0 %). Just over a quarter ( 26.5 %) of participants ( with or without financial difficulties ) reported having made a decision that affected their self-care or adherence to treatment due to economic reasons .
Support and resources
A substantial number of participants stated that financial grants or assistance were not available for people with the disease ( 39.2 %) or caregivers ( 46.7 %) in their countries . Main sources of support were through loved ones ( 30.4 %) followed by public healthcare ( 21.6 %) and social support ( 20.6 %). However , 40.8 % of the participants who sought help from social services and 29.7 % who sought support from healthcare systems did not receive the assistance that they needed . Support for costs related to medication and healthcare were identified as the financial support most needed ( 53.0 %).
| Call to action
Screen for financial toxicity and provide programmes to assist with costs , if financial vulnerability is detected .
Increase income replacement programme coverage for people unable to work because of lung cancer or caregiving .
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Full Report
Access the full 8 th LuCE Report : www . lungcancereurope . eu
Many Faces , One Voice www . lungcancereurope . eu info @ lungcancereurope . eu