Special Edition - Beyond the Reading Wars Vol. 44, Issue 3 | Page 5

It has been an eventful year for the nation and an eventful year for the Missouri Literacy Association (MLA). Some of it has been wonderful, some of it has been quite challenging. Let’s start some of the things that didn’t go quite the way we wish they had.

The saddest thing that happened this year for MLA was the untimely death of one of our MLA board officers, Carla Rosene. Carla was a young teacher, a teacher’s teacher. Her students loved her and so did we. We honor her memory on page 17 of this journal.

The ongoing Covid crisis has been a challenge to everyone and presented special challenges for those of us in education. I am proud of how educators have stepped up. When we finally put all this behind us (and I know that day will come) let us remember the good things that came from it, not just the bad. I’ve heard many teachers express the sentiment that when it is over that they have some new ideas and new ways of doing things they want to keep. BTW- there are several pages in this journal that link to some great upcoming PD. Do have a look LINK1, LINK2.

As for the wonderful things that have happened this year, we have to include the growth of MLA to over 500 members all in one year. If you have not joined MLA yet here’s the LINK. There is a reason for the growth. We are doing more things than ever as an organization and we have many wonderful members working to bring us things like outstanding book clubs, community service, and a series of PD events. We are supporting efforts to improve literacy throughout our state through our ongoing partnerships with St. Louis and Kansas City’s Turn the Page Groups. Coming soon are events that will include PD from Dr. Stephen Peters, immediate past-chair of the International Literacy Association. Special thanks to Julius Anthony and the St. Louis Chapter for that. And, of course, the special edition of The Missouri Reader that you are reading right now is another wonderful product of this year’s work. I expect it will give the poetry issue a run for its money as the most read MR of all time. Toward that end, be sure to pass the link to this FREE journal on to friends and colleagues. Our professional journal is peer-reviewed and has been published for over 40 years.

Finally this has been a year for change. My good friend and colleague Glenda Nugent has finished her term as Co-Editor. This will be her last issue. But she will remain active in MLA as the ILA Coordinator for Missouri and she is the chair of the committee overseeing The Missouri Reader. By the time this is published I will have finished my term as MLA chairman. I will be moving into my role as past chair. I’ll be helping the new chair, Debbie Lambeth, to move forward with next year.

Moving forward is what MLA does best. I am proud of what we have all accomplished this year and look forward to the many things that will be happening next year.

Happy Reading & Writing everyone!

Dr. Sam Bommarito

Chairman of the MIssouri Literacy Association

Happy Reading and Writing!

Dr. Sam Bommarito and Glenda Nugent


CHAIRMAN's Message

Ways to Connect

https://www.facebook.com/mscira - Look for information about upcoming events, new book releases, and links to interesting literacy information

Please join Dr. Bommarito as he talks about articles in this issue on twitter! @doctorsam7 #MoRdr

Visit our website

http://www.missouri reading.org/

Find a local council and join!


Dates to Remember

Write to Learn Conference

International Literacy Association Conference

Dates to Remember

ILA Conference

Is shifting from in person to vitrual events. Click here for more information about digital events: LINK

Editors' Expressions

Steve Baybo


WORKING ON THIS NEXT already have great ideas so it won't tak long

Also- we can bold and italicised but not indent- that is the way the biblographies last issue . NEW page jumps aren't doable yet, but the page jump back to the TOC are all set to the same page. I'm going to have just those on the pages for the weekend,

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