Special Edition - Beyond the Reading Wars Vol. 44, Issue 3 | Page 21

Debra Crouch works nationally as an independent literacy consultant, collaborating with districts and schools in designing professional learning opportunities to empower teachers, principals, and coaches as they envision instruction over time, across texts, and among practices. She has been involved in education for the past 32 years as a classroom teacher, coach, consultant, and author. She actively shares her thinking and practices through long-term professional learning opportunities with districts across the country serving children from diverse language and socioeconomic backgrounds. At Debra's website, teachingdecisions.com, educators can view her videos and webinar series for Shared and Guided Reading. Debra can be reached at:  [email protected]

Their newest collaboration,  Made for Learning is available from Richard C. Owen. publications

Brian Cambourne is a Principal Fellow at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He began teaching at the age of 19 and spent nine years teaching in a mix of one-room schools and primary classrooms K-6 for the New South Wales Department of Education. He then became a teacher educator at Wagga Wagga Teachers' College. He completed his Ph.D at James Cook University in Nth Queensland, and was subsequently a Fulbright Scholar and a Post Doctoral Fellow at Harvard. He has also been a Visiting Fellow at the Universities of Illinois and Arizona. Since completing his doctoral studies (1972), Brian has been researching how learning, especially literacy learning, occurs. He has conducted this research in the naturalistic mode he prefers by sitting in classrooms for many hundreds of hours. Dr. Cambourne can be reached at: [email protected]


Link for the book: https://www.rcowen.com

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