Special Edition - Beyond the Reading Wars Vol. 44, Issue 3 | Page 19

Metaphors Matter: Changing the Reading Metaphor


by Brian Cambourne &  Debra Crouch


In an early article called “A Linguistic Study of Cues and Miscues in Reading” (1965),  Ken Goodman, with his psycholinguistic theory of reading, brought meaning and understanding  to the discussion of what it means to read. He changed the definition of “meaning-based” from  word-recognition to a process of continuous construction of meaning by learners. These  meaning-based understandings emerge as readers predict, confirm or reject those predictions,  search and self-correct meanings being constructed, and integrate new meanings with existing  understandings. The disparity between Chall’s and Goodman’s definitions regarding what it  means to read has been at the basis of the reading dichotomies since these researchers’  publications.


The use of the military metaphor first appeared in an article entitled, From a 'Great  Debate' to a Full-Scale War: Dispute Over Teaching Reading Heats Up, by Robert Rothman in a 1990 edition of the journal, Education Week. In this article, Rothman summarized what he  referred to as the different ‘camps’ with opposing viewpoints. “The battle lines are drawn  between advocates of phonics, who stress the importance of teaching the relationships between  letters and sounds, and those of whole-language methodology, who believe children should be  taught reading by reading whole texts.” In describing the governmental attempts to find middle  ground to settle this dispute, he stated they “have not only failed to quell the debate, but may  have exacerbated it.”


Such a long history means that today's teachers are heirs to a long tradition of often  acrimonious and unhelpful debate about pedagogical methods, which are presented either as  bi-polar opposites, or positions along a bi-polar continuum of some kind. This means that some  educators invariably find themselves on the wrong side of what is currently in vogue and are,  therefore, doing things the wrong way. Hence, sides, stances, and diametrically opposed  viewpoints which have assumed the stature of a war, a damning and unproductive way of  thinking in a profession purported to foster community and compassion for children. 

 Why This Matters

How and whether one considers and discusses multiple perspectives on literacy development reveals the metaphor of learning one holds and the way it positions teachers and  learners. Neuroscientist Matthew Cobb (2020) argues that holding tightly to metaphors, and the  academic research, language, and other discourse that arises from their presence, imposes  boundaries and can end up “limiting what and how we can think.” In metaphorical thinking and  its related discourse in which reading instruction is positioned as a war, the language used in  discussions about it readily reveals the metaphor. Both sides are expected to ‘bombard’ (a war  metaphor) each other with the scientific research which ‘reinforces their positions’ and ‘attacks’ the other sides’ thinking. (e.g., ‘blowing their arguments out of the water’). Such conceptual  metaphors have ‘forced’ teachers, schools, and districts, who are ‘in the trenches,’ to believe  that one side has the answer and the magic ‘bullet’ to ensure that all students will become  effective readers and writers. This war language, and the accompanying ‘tactics,’ has  permeated our thinking and discussion to the point that we are almost impervious to its  presence.

Another consequence of the ‘reading war’ metaphor is that it has become acceptable  practice in professional discussions to use evidence-based or scientifically-derived research to  ‘ambush’ one’s ‘adversaries.’ Rather than a rational discussion of research and its findings, particular research becomes the ‘ammunition’ in the arguments for or against particular pedagogies, revealing quite distinct views of what good science and good evidence are and  whose science matters. Educational researcher Rachael Gabriel (2018) succinctly captures this  state of affairs: “The sloppy, mudslinging nature of these debates has led to confusion, distrust  and a tribe-like affiliation with single approaches among practitioners, researchers and  policymakers.” Sadly, invoking research as a way to reduce the theoretical confusion  surrounding literacy education doesn't seem to have helped anyone to ‘advance the peace.’


Changing the Metaphor

The idea of what it means to teach effectively is contingent upon how one defines,  thinks,and talks about such concepts as effective reading and effective learning. Until the  educational community comes to some agreement on what these terms actually entail in the  2020s and beyond, the same theoretical squabbles will continue to plague education. Such  theoretical arguments are not helpful for the teaching profession or the teaching of reading. 


The cognitive scientists who study conceptual, or embedded, metaphors have identified  a direct relationship between the embedded metaphors, the ways we think, the language we  use, and the ways we behave. This has huge implications for classroom pedagogy.


Instead of a pendulum metaphor or a war metaphor, both of which imply sides, stances,  and diametrically opposed viewpoints, the profession needs a metaphor which honors each  learner’s construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of meaning. This is true for the whole  range of learners found in learning settings. Everyone—young children, classroom teachers,  leaders of schools, parents, and beyond—is learning together.


We suggest a metaphor of quilting might more aptly describe the realities of most  learning experiences. Quilting invokes a purposeful process of selecting and creatively reshaping existing pieces of fabric in new and interesting ways, reflecting the definition of

creativity offered by Jacob Getzel and Philip Jackson (1962). We believe this way of thinking  more accurately describes the reality of most classrooms. Whatever metaphor is held and used,  it is crucial for educators to become consciously aware of how these metaphors influence their instructional language and behaviors. Educators need to ask themselves this question: Are the  embedded metaphors in the language I use and my behaviors aligned with my values and  beliefs about learning and learners? The way we answer this question should ultimately  determine how we approach professional discussions and go about teaching children to read  and write. As cited in Rothman’s original piece on the ‘reading wars (1990),’ Steven Stahl,  professor of education at the University of Illinois, suggested “the real hope for a consensus in  reading is with teachers…[Teachers] are inherently reasonable…[They] get the best things out  of whatever’s out there…[If] there is a synthesis, it’s going on in the classroom.”

We agree!
