Special Delivery WINTER 2018 | Page 8

Support for Clapham mums with postnatal depression

The Cedar House Support Group is a registered charity based in Guildford, which helps support mums with postnatal depression.

The Clapham group meets weekly and a professionally trained counsellor

(who also suffered PND twice) runs the meetings. Liz Wise, the

charity’s counsellor says: “PND is such a terrifying illness and

often mums suffer in silence. Our group offers support and help

when mums are feeling low and perhaps lonely and very

frightened”. Liz is also the PND coordinator for the NCT at

national level and has over 15 years experience working in this

field. For details of the Clapham group please contact Liz

confidentially at [email protected] , 07773 283556.

Clapham NCT Twins and Multiples Support (TAMS)

Our TAMBA approved Group for parents and expectant parents of multiples The group has a closed Facebook page (listed as "Clapham NCT Twins & Multiples Support (TAMS) Group") and offers both online and face to face support.

Coffee Mornings

We have NCT Coffee Morning Meetups happening all over the Branch. For more information on date and venues visit our website

Activities & Events