Special Delivery Winter 2014-2015 | Page 6


The Team

Editor Sarah Imrie

[email protected]

Listings editor Louise Sherratt

[email protected]

Advertising manager

Kathryn Hudson

[email protected]

Cover photo generously provided by the Hamstead family

Alex Bollen

Laura Dobson

Emma Hammett

Bryan Imrie

Sarah Imrie



Editor's Letter

Sarah x

As we enter this new year many of you will be making (or thinking about) resolutions. Maybe you will be taking on a big challenge or perhaps a few small projects you have had on the back burner and I am not without a few new year goals myself. Regardless of the resolutions we make what we are really doing is asking ourselves to make a change in our lives whether for the long or short term and typically with the hope it will lead to a happier and healthier life.

In this winter issue of Special Delivery we are sharing stories from our branch members that remind us that some stages and changes that are ahead of us we can plan and prepare for and others can blind-side us. As our babies and toddlers grow we can look forward to some predictable developmental milestones and Emma Hammett, of First-Aid for Life has tips to help us prepare our homes to make our children safe as they reach these stages.

As parents it can be easy to focus on preparing our children for changes and forget about how stages in our children's lives impact us. We look at saying goodbye to the office to start parental leave, how we can address the concept of loosing a little of ourselves as we embrace parenthood and how one mum is feeling as she sends her last little one off to school and has school day empty-nest syndrome.

As I always like to remind you, our readers and members, this is your magazine and we are creating it for you. I would love to hear from any of you and, if you are feeling inclined, perhaps our next issue will be the one where you share your experience with others. All questions, comments and contributions for Special Delivery can be sent to me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.

Dr Runa Mowla-Copley

Suzanne Newman

Nicola Preskett

Nadia Raafat

Naomi Thorley