I am really suffering from leg cramps and restless leg syndrome - especially at night. Can yoga help?
Leg cramps are such a common issue in pregnancy. They typically occur in the second and third trimester. There are many reasons put forward for leg cramps from the changing of circulation and weight distribution to a lack of calcium, potassium or magnesium in the body and also a lack of salt or fluid. Inadequate oxygen in the muscle tissue itself, caused by either by an iron deficiency and lack of exercise, can also cause cramping. Restless leg syndrome is a symptom of the similar condition. Though the legs don't cramp you may have an uncomfortable and achey, fidgety feeling in your legs.
As you say they tend to bother us mostly at night and can be excruciating.
When you get a leg cramp, first take a deep breath in and release any fear or panic on the out-breath. Simply by breathing and staying calm will help the muscles will begin to relax. Then you need to stretch the muscle out. To do this effectively, if it is the calf muscle, go to a wall and place your hands on the wall. Set the leg with with cramp behind you, and send the heel towards the floor, stretching the calf muscle. Then massage the area vigorously and thoroughly. However avoid massaging if you have varicose veins in this area.
To avoid them occurring in the future combine the following yoga poses, ideally before bedtime, which will help circulate blood flow and oxygen to the legs, with an increase in calcium, potassium and magnesium. Remember to stay well-hydrated and treat yourself to a weekly foot and leg massage to release tension, improve circulation and encourage muscular relaxation. The excesses below can be practised to and through your due period with the exception of the last which is to 30 weeks.
Nadia Raafat.
antenatal and postnatal yoga teacher
Battersea Yoga www.batterseayoga.com
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