Balham Pitter Patter
When: Wednesday 10am-11.30am
Where: St Stephen’s Church, Weir Road, SW12
Age range: Newborns, crawlers and those attempting their first steps
Donation: £2 per child
Contact: [email protected]
What’s on offer: Join us for refreshments and the opportunity to meet and chat with others going through the same experiences in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The babies will be able to enjoy some very gentle activities such as singing, soft play and stories.
Clapham Playgroup
When: Wednesday 10am-12noon
Where: St John the Evangelist Church Hall, Clapham Road, SW9 0JJ (entrance to the left of the church through two sets of doors)
Age range: Newborns, crawlers and those attempting their first steps
Donation: £2 per child
Contact: [email protected]
What’s on offer: Join us for refreshments and the opportunity to meet and chat with others going through the same experiences in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The babies will be able to enjoy some very gentle activities such as singing, soft play and stories.
Runaround Playgroup
When: Friday 9.30am-11.15am
Where: St Stephen’s Church, Weir Road, SW12
Age range: Babies and toddlers
Donation: £2 per child or £3 per family
Contact: [email protected]
What’s on offer: Tea and biscuits for the grown-ups and light snacks for the children, lots of toys and space to run around and a sing song at the end.
Battersea Babies & Crawlers
When: Monday 10.30am-12noon
Where: St Michaels Church (main entrance)
Cobham Close SW11 6HR
Age range: Newborns, crawlers and those attempting their first steps
Donation: £2 per child
Contact: [email protected]
What’s on offer: Friendly and informal baby group for parents of newborns and crawlers through to those venturing out and taking their first few independent steps. A great opportunity to meet and chat with other parents in the area and to share similar experiences. Tea and biscuits provided.
The coffees are a chance to introduce new parents, parents with older babies and second time parents to each other within the area. The coffees are hosted by branch volunteers. Our coffees are open to all, including non-members, so if you are new to the area, or just keen to meet some other local parents, please get in touch. The dates of forthcoming coffees can be found on our website. Our hosts would appreciate a RSVP so they have an idea of numbers, please email the host and add the date/venue as the subject for the date which you wish to attend.
A great way to hone your baby's social skills from an early age - and resurrect your own!
Your Local NCT
Open House Coffees
Current Open House
Coffee locations:
JAM TREE, Clapham Old Town
ALL BAR ONE, Northcote Road [email protected]
COFFEE CLUB, Volunteer's house, SW11 [email protected]
GAZETTE, Balham [email protected]
For up-to-date information on all our playgroups visit
Temporarily closed pending new volunteers