Alice Fotheringham
Jo Watson
Katie Ash
Jenny Hemsley
Editor's Letter
Travelling with babies and young children is an adventure, and we mean that in the true sense of the word, as well as the euphemistic one. Going away with our babies has brought us both so much joy, from seeing them eating unusual foods, to feeling the sand between their toes for the first time. But that’s not to say it doesn’t come without challenges; a change in routine, diet, environment and atmosphere can all be sources of confusion, not to mention all the journeys involved.
This issue of Special Delivery celebrates travelling with your little ones, whether it’s a weekend at grandparents or a month in a tropical country. We’ve got advice and tips to try to make things go that bit more easily, some useful first aid tips, alongside other features on parenthood. Our own advice is as follows:
Karen’s top tip while travelling is treat yourself to the good wine! Being a parent is hard work, and unfortunately the hard work continues even when you are on holiday. So, indulge yourself and enjoy - you deserve a break!
On a slightly more serious note, Katy’s is to get everything sorted with your hire car. From having the wrong documents, to not having enough credit cards (both things have happened to me, and I’m a seasoned hire-car user), it’s best to be completely clear before you leave. There’s nothing worse than being stuck at the airport late at night arguing over it as your baby howls in the background. Apart from when you don’t know how to close the boot properly and your pram flies out onto the road behind you (it was thankfully saved by two Italian grandmothers who saw the whole thing happen).
As ever, if you want to write an article for the magazine, please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.
Katy & Karen xx
Charlotte Derrick
Julia Melim & Dr. Lin Day
Emma Hammett
Emma van Klaveren Finlay
The Team
Katy Jones § Karen Stewart
newsletter.clap[email protected]
Advertising manager
Kathryn Hudson
Cover photo generously provided by Valentina, Photograface
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