Special Delivery Summer 2016 | Page 15

Your Local NCT

Graphic design Coordinator

Missing your job as a designer while you are on maternity leave? We wuld love to have your help to design poster, flyers and advertising material. This is a great role as it can be done remotely to fit in with your baby's schedule.

Time committment: 1hr/week

Delivery helpers SW11, SW12

We need some lovely volunteers who could deliver our promotional material around the Branch or in their area. This would fit very well with people looking for some exercise with buggy in tow to fit around their baby's routine.

Time committment:1hr/week

PR Strategy Coordinator

We need some professional advice on how to structure our promotional campaigns, to make our fundraising as effective as possible, on social media, magazine editorial and advertising and also marketing material. Could you help? This role could be done remotely to fit around your baby's routine.

Time committment:2hrs/week

Breastfeeding Cafe Helpers, SW12

We are looking to add to our team of volunteers who help out at our breastfeeding drop-in. The role is essentially about meeting & greeting mums attending the drop-in, serving refreshments, taking bookings for breastfeeding counsellor consultations and venue set-up & tidy up.

Time commitment: one session a month on a Monday between 10am & 12noon.

Dads & Babies Group Leader

We are looking for a dad to start up this much-needed group to support local dads who are responsible for the full/part time care of their children. We can help you with promotion and finding a venue for this new group.

Time commitment: one session a week or month.

Multiples Group Leader

Join our team of volunteers to host monthly meet-ups for new parents of multiples. The Coffee Mornings are informal get togethers which are invaluable in allowing new parents to meet others in their area.

Time commitment: 2-4hrs per month and meet-ups can be organised at your convenience in a local coffee shop.

Nearly New Sale Helpers

Enjoy shopping? Join our Nearly New Sales team and help with planning, promoting & running our ever popular sales.

Time commitment: up to 3 sales a year.

Open House Coffee Morning Hosts

Become an Open House Morning host and hold monthly coffee mornings for new and second-time mums. The Coffee Mornings are informal get togethers which are invaluable in allowing new mums to meet other mums in their area.

Time commitment: 2-4hrs per month and meetups can be organised at your convenience in a local coffee shop.

Walks Coordinator

Like walking in the fresh air? We are looking for someone who can lead walks for parents and babies around the Commons with prams or slings in tow.

Time commitment: 2 hours/ month, flexible.

Contact: [email protected]

for more information.

NCT Needs Your Support