Jenny x
Chair's Letter
I recently went on a course at work where we were introduced to a number of surprisingly relevant (to both work and home) and thought-provoking concepts. The one that resonated hugely with me and most of my colleagues (particularly those who are also parents) was the idea of "Be Here Now" which is the ability to concentrate on the current situation; the elimination of all distractions, including thoughts about the past, worrying about the future, our ego, judgment and preconceptions. It is about setting priorities about tasks or activities you should focus on now. In essence giving full attention to the people in front of you or the task you are doing right now. We were told that the results of "Be Here Now" are fewer mistakes, fewer misunderstandings, fewer accidents, increased creativity and productivity.
I had always seen my ability to multi-task well as a strength. In many ways I still do, particularly when it's just me and a long list of things which need to get done, but it got me thinking about the impact of constant multi-tasking of home, work and family life, coupled with the pace of 21st century living, has on our little people and family relationships. I wouldn't exactly call it an epiphany, but more a wake-up call about how often I allow myself, whether subconsciouly or consciously, to not "Be Here Now" when I'm with my children or husband. It isn't always easy, but I've started to choose to be in the moment and: focus my full attention on the story I might be reading with my two year old and letting her explore all the pictures and pages at her own pace; or properly listening to the detailed description of superhero powers my four year old is telling me for the 15th time; or taking a deep breath when my eight year old daughter appears to have an answer for everything and an attitude worthy of a teenager; or to stop doing whatever chore needs doing when my husband and I are at home together and have a proper conversation about our respective days. These might be small things, but I feel that we are all much calmer, there is a bit more cooperation and general engagement within the family. Personally, I'm feeling less (self-imposed) pressure to do everything and overall much happier whatever I'm doing or whoever I'm with. Anyway, enough about me, I hope you enjoy this Summer edition of our magazine and enjoying making the most of the long, warm and pleasant summer days.