Special Delivery Summer 2015 | Page 19

Your Local NCT

Name: Hannah Dobson

Role: Treasurer

Lives: Battersea

Mummy to Emma (6 years old),

Elizabeth (almost 4 years old)

and Ben (1 year old)

Q: How long have you been Treasurer and what encouraged you to volunteer?

I have been a volunteer with the NCT, specifically as the branch Treasurer, for almost as long as I can remember (albeit my memory is considerably sleep deprived these days). I believe it is officially coming up to 7 years. I remember sending a very lonely, but enthusiastic email to the branch chair when my eldest daughter, Emma, (now nearly 7) was first born. I was offering my financial skills assistance, but also looking for some friendly faces that would help and listen to a new mum that had a very sicky, non-sleeping baby, and had no idea what she was doing. I was very used to being in control in my City job, and suddenly this little person had me at a loss. It was lovely to be welcomed into a caring and friendly branch of amazing ladies that reassured me everything was normal. In return, I wanted to give back some of my time and skills in making sure the branch finances ran smoothly and we had sufficient funds to support our numerous local activities.

Q: What challenges and rewards have you seen as Treasurer?

The role is immensely rewarding. You can see how the funds support local playgroups, new mothers, summer and Christmas family events, and so much more. In particular, the Clapham branch has operated its Breastfeeding Café in Balham for a number of years supporting local mum’s free of charge. The Café is operated entirely from branch funds. We have financially “come to the wire” on a number of occasions with this Café, and we were within weeks of its closure due to lack of funds. A huge supportive effort from volunteers and some number juggling has protected the Café for the foreseeable future. An immensely emotion time and moment for the volunteers, but we were all very proud that this local support will continue.

Q: Has the role provided any other benefits for you?

The Treasury role has also provided other benefits. It appears on my CV and is given considerably weight by employers. Your role in the community and outside work is often something looked at closely by potential employers. It also gives a mum an opportunity to think about something other than nappies and teething, just for a short while. I know it kept my brain ticking along during all three of my maternity leaves.

Q: What does the role involve?

The finances needed some work when I first started the role in 2008, but with new systems and a very helpful team of volunteers keeping me informed of their activities, the position now takes up about 2 hours of my time a week. (I have 3 small children and a mad full-time City job, yet there is still plenty of time to keep everything in order.) It is largely a case of issuing and paying invoices, checking the bank account for payments, and recording all of this on the NCT accounting system. You do also need to plan ahead to ensure sufficient funds are coming in to cover the cost of local activities, but this is a relatively simple process.

Q: What would you say to someone thinking of taking on the role of treasurer?

I am desperately sad to be giving up this Treasury role, but my children are 6, 4 and over 1, and I feel it is time to hand over the reins and give more of my free time to my children’s school and its PTA activities. The finances are in great shape, and easily managed, so taking over would be a smooth process. I would also be on hand to answer any ongoing questions for as long as was needed. I hope that the new volunteer has as much love and passion for the role, and is willing to “muck in” with a load of amazing ladies that give up so much of their free time to help other local families, and ensure that the Clapham NCT continues to be an ongoing success.

Meet the volunteers