Special Delivery Summer 2015 | 页面 14


Clapham Playgroup

When: Wednesday 10am-12noon

Where: St John the Evangelist Church Hall, Clapham Road, SW9 0JJ (entrance to the left of the church through two sets of doors)

Age range: Newborns, crawlers and those attempting their first steps

Donation: £2 per child

Contact: [email protected]

What’s on offer: Join us for refreshments and the opportunity to meet and chat with others going through the same experiences in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The babies will be able to enjoy some very gentle activities such as singing, soft play and stories.

Battersea Babies & Crawlers

When: Monday 10.30am-12noon

Where: St Michaels Church (main entrance)

Cobham Close SW11 6HR

Age range: Newborns, crawlers and those attempting their first steps

Donation: £2 per child (incl tea and biscuits)

Contact: [email protected]

What’s on offer: A relaxed gathering for new mums and babies to get together for a chat and informal sharing of experiences, laughs and support. Also includes a nursery rhyme sing-along at the end of each session.

Our Open House Coffee events are a great chance for new parents, parents with older babies and second time parents to meet other parents in their area. We are currently looking for some new volunteers to help host/co-ordinate an event in their area. If you are interested in volunteering we would love to hear from you. It wouldn’t take up too much time, just being the first to arrive to welcome everyone and being the contact for the group. For more information contact [email protected]

A great way to hone your baby's social skills from an early age - and resurrect your own!

Your Local NCT

Current Open House

Coffee locations:

JAM TREE, Clapham Old Town

[email protected]

ALL BAR ONE, Northcote Road [email protected]

GAZETTE, Balham [email protected]

For up-to-date information on all our playgroups visit www.nct.org.uk/clapham

Our next issue...

Our September issue will be focused on the theme of "Saying Goodbye" or "Happy Endings." In the past we have looked at new beginnings but this September we hope to share the thoughts and feelings of our members about the stages that we are leaving, or have already left behind.

We want to hear from you! [email protected]

Open House Coffees