Special Delivery Summer 2015 | Page 11


Clapham branch chair receives 2015 NCT Star Award

Branch chair, Jenny Hemsley, was awarded a Commendation award in the London Region NCT Stars Awards which took place on 28th June. The Commendation award is a awarded to an NCT volunteer who has given exceptional time and effort at a local, regional or national level. Jenny receiving news of her Commendation award said "Thank you to Emma for my nomination, it is so lovely to be recognised in this way by a fellow volunteer. I am humbled, particularly as this is the second year running I've received this award. To me, this is an award for the entire branch volunteer team past and present who do so much to support local parents and who make it very easy for me to give my time and effort. It is an absolute pleasure to volunteer alongside you all".

NCT Stars Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of volunteers dedicated to supporting all new parents during their First 1,000 days. NCT has over 5,000 registered volunteers who give their time, energy and skills in more than 300 branches. There were 467 nominations across the UK in 2015. Nominations for NCT Stars Awards are invited each year in five categories: Parent supporter of the year, Volunteer behind the scenes of the year, Growing the reach of NCT of the year, Volunteer of the year, and Commendation. To ensure independence, all London Region nominations were assessed by a judging panel from the SE England Regional Team.

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