Special Delivery Spring 2015 | Page 27

Pregnancy & Birth

this process took them 30 minutes with me actively pacing the reception floor and constant toilet visits. I remembered my yoga golden breathing and relaxation techniques in the minute between painful contraction waves. I was pleased to already be in hospital but frustrated that no one had taken me through yet. There was a full moon they told me that week and the maternity part of the hospital was very busy.

Once in my own room (home from home with view of Big Ben although of course at this point I didn’t care) and after being introduced to 2 lovely hospital midwives they were ready to examine me. I had a difficult 60 seconds of crying, wanting my late mum to be with me. This was followed by another 60 seconds of “I can’t do this” and “please get me an epidural immediately”. The examination had to take place lying on the bed and this was very painful to be in a lying position. I was nearly 10 cm and of course they wanted me to go through with a natural labour. I didn’t have a birth plan to the contrary.

Welcome Charlotte

I jumped off the bed just in time for my waters to break! Then with the next contraction I clung onto the student midwife and my baby was born! Thank goodness for the gas and air which I continued to need throughout the second stage and final examination.

I was lucky not to need stitches and our baby was given a 10/10 score so we were left to enjoy our time together and early feeding and cuddles for the next hours.

A new big brother

In preparation for our son we had done all the usual recommended techniques, we had read him stories about babies and having a baby sister, we had spoken about names, bought her clothes and a present. Friends with babies visited and we asked the nursery to continue conversations with our son as well so that he had other contacts with the same topic. We were keen for him to come to hospital so once we were given the ok my partner drove him in to meet his sister Charlotte and take her and mummy home with him. My sister had kindly taken some photos at hospital and printed some early ones we had sent her. This was useful as my boy took this to nursery to show and tell his class the next day and we once we were ready we took her in to meet his classmates and teachers. He was so proud and he is being very good with her. In fact he has started to sleep through the night sometimes although we have put up a safety gate on my bedroom door allowing me to co-sleep with her without the fear that he has jumped into my bed.

"One minute I was clutching whatever was closest to help relieve the pain and the next, pulling out clothes for [my son] to wear to nursery the next day"