Special Delivery Spring 2015 | Page 17

Your Local NCT

Meet the volunteer

Name: Lou Hiller

Husband: Tim Hiller

Lives: Balham

Child: Noah, 2 years 3 months

Role: Listings editor for

Special Delivery

Q: How was childbirth for you?

Sadly my first experience of childbirth was not at all what I’d hoped for. What I had ‘planned’ for myself – a calming water birth, with perhaps the odd puff of gas and air to get me through the tough bits – ended up, in reality, as a forceps delivery under spinal anaesthetic unable to feel a thing. Noah was born happy and healthy, which I am extremely grateful for – but I was absolutely heartbroken that it happened the way it did. I’m expecting my second child in August and I really hope that I might get the chance to experience it all a bit differently this time round.

Q: Best and worst things about being pregnant?

The best thing about being pregnant for me is feeling my baby kick. I find the whole concept of growing a human being inside you quite insane and difficult to get my head round - so those little nudges help to make it all seem more real. They also provide a lovely tangible link to the baby and a way to start to get to know them before they’re even born. Oh and I also really enjoy the excuse to wear elasticated trousers!

The worst thing for me, without doubt, is the morning sickness. 16 weeks of feeling hungover to hell all day long (without a single brilliant night out to justify it) is just not ok.

Q: How has having children changed your philosophy of life?

I am quite a perfectionist and have always been more than a little bit anally retentive. I had to learn VERY early on that parenting is not something you can get 100% right, however hard you try. It was very hard to let go of wanting to be totally in control of everything at all times – but once I realised that it’s ok to just go with the flow sometimes and muddle through the best you can, then I started to enjoy being a mum so much more.

Q: What have you found the most rewarding about motherhood?

Before I had Noah I had absolutely no idea how much I could love one tiny human being. He is cheeky and exhausting and requires every last ounce of my energy on a daily basis – but he is the most incredible, loving little boy and I get more joy from watching him grow up than I have from anything else I’ve ever done.

Q: What encouraged you to volunteer for your NCT role?

I had a bit of a tough time with breastfeeding Noah at the start, due to him having a tongue-tie. The breast-feeding café in Balham was an absolute life-saver for me – offering me vital advice and support at a time where I was at my wits end and ready to give up. I have always been so grateful for that and wanted to offer a little something back in way of thanks.

Q: What would you say to someone thinking of volunteering?

Definitely give it a go – it’s a great way to meet other mums at all different stages and everyone is very welcoming and friendly.

Q: What is your ideal way to spend a child-free afternoon, or evening?

Pre-pregnancy it would have been out at my favourite Mexican, sipping an ice-cold margarita and talking the night away. 5 months pregnant and it’s probably sat in front of ‘Call the Midwife’ with my feet up and a giant bowl of Maltesers.