Special Delivery Autumn 2017 | Page 27

Early Days

Feeding Options

Early days expert Tina Perridge on feeding


Breastfeeding should not hurt, your nipples may be tender and sensitive initially but severe pain tells you that the baby is not well latched. In this case seek help as soon as possible.

One woman said that when you first start you wonder why anyone would breast feed but by 6 weeks you wonder why everybody doesn’t.



The most important thing a baby needs is a happy mum, so, if breastfeeding is stressing you or making you unhappy then make a positive choice to resolve that.

Human breast milk is ideal for a baby at every stage. It changes in composition from one woman to the next to respond to baby’s needs. In addition, it is full of antibodies which protect the baby from illness. Every time a woman comes into contact with any germs or virus her body produces antibodies which automatically protect the baby. There is less chance of baby developing allergies and asthma and if fed exclusive breastmilk for 6 months less ear infections, respiratory illness and diarrhoea. Add to this the longer term benefits of reduced obesity, diabetes, plus that the mum has a reduced risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

These are the reasons that Department of Health and the World Health Organisation promote breastfeeding. Formula is a very safe product but it is cow's milk. Breast milk is better as it is designed for a human baby

Both are viable options to feed a baby, which, is the overall aim.


NCT breastfeeding counsellor Helpline 0300 330 0700 - counsellors listen, support and offer

relevant advice to parents however they feed their child

The Clapham NCT Breastfeeding Cafe. Mondays 10am-12noon Please arrive by 11.30am.

The Grove Pub, 39 Oldridge Road, SW12 8PN.

A free baby feeding support and information drop in session with our qualified NCT

breastfeeding counsellors.

Donations can be made at the cafe or via our branch justgiving page - search for Clapham NCT.